posted ago by SemperSupra ago by SemperSupra +60 / -0

I wanted to share this article and my opinion on why the brainwashing makes it so hard to reach many normies. This kind of stuff feels familiar...


The conditioning is so bad that liberal normies I know can literally not react to things they have not been trained to see as "good". If you tell them crime is dropping in Europe, they get confused. Their reaction is "Well, hmph. Crime is going up in the US!"

If you tell them a poor minority father with three kids lost their job to a white man, their reaction is outrage and cries of "we need to change". If you say a white male with three kids lost his job to workers in Mexico they just stare at you blankly with a look of "So?"

I notice a lot can't decide for themselves what is good and bad. What deserves sympathy has been conditioned into them. They actually get scared to give sympathy to the wrong "persons".

They all believe Covid went down due to wearing masks. When told to wear three masks, they did so without question. If you say anything that breaks their programming they react with anger and "That's not true". A blank look enters their eyes and they will either get quiet and wait for you to give up the topic or react with outrage.

One big part of brainwashing is the inability to recognize true evil. A good guy can't be good if he does a single immoral thing. Period.

However, if a villain does a single "good" thing he/ she is now a sympathetic character who had their reasons. It doesn't matter that they killed millions. They saved a kitten. Now let's feel sorry for them and their tragic backstory.

Basically, good has to live up to an impossible standard and can never ever use dark means to defeat evil while evil can do every sin imaginable but be "redeemed" as long as they weren't all bad.

If you fall for this paradigm you have been conditioned. It means a hero must handcuff them in a way that guarantees the villain will walk all over them. This trains us to see no one as heroes because they were willingly to kill Lex Luther. But Harley Quinn can be forgiven because "She just got into a bad relationship. It's not her fault".

This brainwashing makes it easy to blind people to true heroes because any flaw will not be forgiven. However, villains do one "nice" thing so they're not so bad. All the the brainwashed I know do not think morals are black and white (no such thing as right and wrong), yet think people are (you're 100% hero, but you're never 100% villain).

Do you see how easy it is to character assassinate someone?

Heroes have impossible standards while villains have none.

Without a firm sense of morality it's impossible to identify real heroes from real villains. Since we've been conditioned to judge heroes by impossible standards it's an impossible climb for patriots to argue Trump is a hero. To the brainwashed he can't be a hero because he has flaws.

Just as Obama can't be a villain because look at the picture of him with a baby. Villains don't do nice things.

I just wanted to share my opinion on how controlling the narrative of "hero" and "villain" has helped keep so many in the dark. What do you think?