I remember reading an old interview with one of his former girlfriends. Must have been after his break with Marla Maples. 'What's it like to date Donald?' thing and she touched on his generosity. Her mother had been sick and needed special care and he paid for it. One day he sends a driver to pick up her and her son for an outing the boy wanted to go on and the driver of the car was him. There is a lot of bluster in his personality, but there is a lot of quiet, modest giving back.
In my life I have known saints, and Donald Trump is just like them. We were a large, relatively poor family. There was one elderly woman, who drove a black Lincoln Continental, who made better the lives of everyone she met. She frequently dropped off a package of clothing for me, saying her granddaughter no longer needed it. It was always a perfect fit, and lacked only the price tags.
This woman was so kind to everybody, and while exceptionally wealthy, did not do her charity as a big splash to virtue signal, as most do today. She tended her flock by seeing a need and filling it. She touched the lives of most of my neighbors and childhood friends, and will never be forgotten.
I believe that God places saints among us as examples, and I feel privileged to have known many. Among these I would even place my father, who had the same mind-set, though not the same budget. One Christmas I saw him open his wallet and give all the contents to another neighbor who was out of work. His family would otherwise have faced a bleak Christmas.
I loved my father, who died very young, and because he is cut from the same cloth, I love Donald Trump. You cannot change my mind.
So this story gets told, where he helps one man change his tire, and he doesn’t do it for publicity, he does it for a good deed. If people know about this story, then likely it was told initially by the man who Trump helped right?
They aren't widely publicized because that's not why Trump did them. He did them because he's truly generous and felt it was the right thing to do, not for publicity.
Right but how does anyone know they’re actual stories? These sort of good deed stories get circulated in email forwards all the time, about trump, or Tom Hanks, or bill Murray, or whoever.
It sparked the whole “and that man was Albert Einstein” meme
People are accustomed to speaking about the negative sides of people. For example, way back when, when The Phoenician was being built, Keating would walk around and toss out $100 bills just to watch the workers scurry to grab a bill or two. Made my husband very upset someone would do that to other human beings for pure enjoyment. He could have walked up and handed workers cash, etc, but no. toss the money in the air and watch workers scramble. Keep in mind this was in the late 80s.
You see, when people truly do things from their heart, they do not expect for it to be broadcast on the news, they do it because they feel God's blessing to help others in time of need. Lots of times, people do not remember the person's name, many times, it isn't given. It is sad many will believe anything and everything negative that is in MSM about President Trump is taken as Gospel without facts being checked, but when positive things are said, they are lies until proven. Shouldn't it at the very least be the same treatment for both?
I’m just saying that these sorts of “anonymous do good” stories get circulated around about almost every celebrity. It sparked the whole “that man was Albert Einstein” meme.
I remember reading an old interview with one of his former girlfriends. Must have been after his break with Marla Maples. 'What's it like to date Donald?' thing and she touched on his generosity. Her mother had been sick and needed special care and he paid for it. One day he sends a driver to pick up her and her son for an outing the boy wanted to go on and the driver of the car was him. There is a lot of bluster in his personality, but there is a lot of quiet, modest giving back.
Okay but that's a different story, and also just from your own recollection.
These anecdotes are nice but if they're just made up then it effectively makes them useless. Why not use real stories?
These ARE true stories. He does not publicize his generosity. That would demean it.
Then how do you know they’re true?
In my life I have known saints, and Donald Trump is just like them. We were a large, relatively poor family. There was one elderly woman, who drove a black Lincoln Continental, who made better the lives of everyone she met. She frequently dropped off a package of clothing for me, saying her granddaughter no longer needed it. It was always a perfect fit, and lacked only the price tags.
This woman was so kind to everybody, and while exceptionally wealthy, did not do her charity as a big splash to virtue signal, as most do today. She tended her flock by seeing a need and filling it. She touched the lives of most of my neighbors and childhood friends, and will never be forgotten.
I believe that God places saints among us as examples, and I feel privileged to have known many. Among these I would even place my father, who had the same mind-set, though not the same budget. One Christmas I saw him open his wallet and give all the contents to another neighbor who was out of work. His family would otherwise have faced a bleak Christmas.
I loved my father, who died very young, and because he is cut from the same cloth, I love Donald Trump. You cannot change my mind.
They are not fake stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWKSqSDlAA8
NO...they are not...!!
Trump just saying it’s true doesn’t make it true.
So this story gets told, where he helps one man change his tire, and he doesn’t do it for publicity, he does it for a good deed. If people know about this story, then likely it was told initially by the man who Trump helped right?
Wouldn’t we know who he is?
You saying it isn't true doesn't make it false. I have never heard Trump lie about anything.
They aren't widely publicized because that's not why Trump did them. He did them because he's truly generous and felt it was the right thing to do, not for publicity.
Right but how does anyone know they’re actual stories? These sort of good deed stories get circulated in email forwards all the time, about trump, or Tom Hanks, or bill Murray, or whoever.
It sparked the whole “and that man was Albert Einstein” meme
People are accustomed to speaking about the negative sides of people. For example, way back when, when The Phoenician was being built, Keating would walk around and toss out $100 bills just to watch the workers scurry to grab a bill or two. Made my husband very upset someone would do that to other human beings for pure enjoyment. He could have walked up and handed workers cash, etc, but no. toss the money in the air and watch workers scramble. Keep in mind this was in the late 80s. You see, when people truly do things from their heart, they do not expect for it to be broadcast on the news, they do it because they feel God's blessing to help others in time of need. Lots of times, people do not remember the person's name, many times, it isn't given. It is sad many will believe anything and everything negative that is in MSM about President Trump is taken as Gospel without facts being checked, but when positive things are said, they are lies until proven. Shouldn't it at the very least be the same treatment for both?
These ARE real stories.....
How do you know?
I’m just saying that these sorts of “anonymous do good” stories get circulated around about almost every celebrity. It sparked the whole “that man was Albert Einstein” meme.
I will share another article which is on my PC at home...I can't remember the Journalists name at the moment...
If you are here...WHY do you doubt President Trump....???