Autists. Thousands of highly focused individuals scouring every picture that is released and making connections in every article they read.
Not just autistic folks on our side, also the non-autistic on our side have less distractions. How many of us have opted out of Facebook, TV, porn, bar hopping, and other non-productive junk. (Not condemning any of you if you like these things, we’re all human). I just see “them” as way more distracted by these things, that would inhibit them from getting away with much.
Thank you autists! Question for any reading this that I wonder about. Do many autistic people blame childhood vaccinations for their condition? If a significant amount do, their pushing Covid shots on a dangerous opponent.
Excellent and informative post, thank you.
I really can see what you say in that last sentence, and wonder how much our current society lost out from rejecting certain “weirdos”
I am oddly happy to be placed in the MAYBE column of autism.
Like most things, society has skewed the medical definition of ADM. Think rain man… ( the movie). Classic autism on display. How do you think he would interact within our group or say the audit team?
There of course are varying degrees of the condition, but we throw the label around like a computer geek with mad skills, or someone with honed skills to unravel complex associations as an autist. Fact is, everyone has unique skills and unique social interaction style. That does not make them autistic if they are above the norm and distanced from social interaction.
I personally think autism has always been a thing and that most of the greatest minds or people who broke the mold would have some type of "autism". It just seems to me like depression, anxiety, autism, and "disorders" of the like are just normal but nowadays they try to spin it all as something that is wrong with a person to make them a victim and have a reason to lose motivation and ambition because they can fall back on one of these crutches as an excuse. We all have depression or anxiety to a degree and probably seem "weird" in our own way in regards to having specific interests, what matters is what we do with these mental things.
autists are relentless and the bad guys cannot hide
We are the Minutiaemen. Ready to dig into the details of anything at a millisecond's notice.
Minutiamen! ??
How ironic would it be if vaccines is what caused autism (keep in mind i have nk idea really about autism just heard that before) that the very people they made helped defeat them?
Yeah, and not only that, but possibly the hard push of covid shots on everyone being the very thing that “sets off” the autists they created. That would be Gods-Plan-level irony
A lot of people with autism are wary of vaccines in my experience, just like a lot of Africans are wary of vaccines. Lessons learned the hard way.
Not to be too autistic about it but they are more accurately described as people capable of a monomaniacal focus...
Autists do not mean autistic. It refers to people who research and do deep dives, puzzle-solvers, connectors of the dots. I am an autist. I do not have ASD. Can ASDs be Autists? Absolutely.
[they] didn't just overlook that, [they] didn't know it existed because [they] thought negatively on that aspect.
Yeah you are right. “The spectrum” they call it, and people are on different places on it. Sometimes I wonder if myself and others that I know closely are somewhere on it.
On that note I think the terms anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, ADHD and a lot of other serious mental problems are being abused too. “Oh my book shelf has to be arranged just so, I’m OCD about that”. And things like that
By having a "spectrum", everyone by default is on the "spectrum".
Like mental cooling became mental warming became mental change? Seems like their M.O.
Wait... it's all communism?
Always has been.