Greenwald tells Fox News viewers to look up Operation Mockingbird
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Are you saying that this is one of the Q statements that is misinformation ?
Q was giving a premise, and then the truth. We’re told 99% are good, but in reality 99% are the problem. 1% are good.
I don't agree with Q on this, more than 1% are corrupt and a metric ton more are complicit. Q might be trying to stop public lynchings of these agency turds.
I disagree. How many former green berets go into the CIA? How many former Ranger, MARSOC, etc go into FBI? Or local swat or fire or police?
There are bad eggs, but there are also patriots. If the agencies were 100% rot we'd have lost america long before trump. Plus Pompeo is a spook and he's easily one of Trump's most trusted allies
Agreed ☝??
Old 50s term for government agent
I don’t know the sizes of the alphabet organizations, but 1% corruption just “seems”/feels like a low number. I suppose we’ll have to wait a while until this all washes out to see if this is true or a misdirection.
It seems like every other day we learn of some new person or organization that is corrupt - to the point it seems like it’s a veritable cesspool.
According to the FBI's website, they employ about 35,000, so 1% is 350. Tried same search on CIA, did not come up with anything, but figure it is probably close.