Interesting word choices.. “What we have learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they’ve been hypnotized.”
“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month.
It seems like many, many people being bewitched is the real plague. Seriously, how is it possible to effect such a massive, widespread, persistent sheepishness? Maybe the virus is only part of the problem.
This has been bothering me too. The word choice of Dr. McCullough jumped off the page at me.
At first I figured this whole thing was merely orchestrated from the top down, the usual pushing a narrative continually through repetition. Then I thought nah. there must be something more and concluded that there must've been huge financial incentives offered. But that didn't seem like enough so obviously there must also be an additional layer of severe threats for those who speak out or refuse. Is that enough to cause smart people to lose their minds and fall in line?
Now I'm worried we're witnessing something far more nefarious. Really smart people have absolutely stopped thinking for themselves, it's so bizarre. Whatever the cause, it's superlative to the "normal" tools of propaganda (relentless fear-mongering, threats, coercion and bribery). I have NO idea if this type technology exists (yet) but it looks like some sort of bizarre electronic mind control.
The only common thread I can find among people I personally know who took the jab so willingly is that these are the same folks who've been taking flu shots every year for many years. They also watch TV.
The usual types of brainwashing can result in Stockholm Syndrome, but I think at bottom there is always a core resistance that eventually erodes the conditioning. I woke up thinking it isn't just them who have seemingly lost the ability to try out other realities and change their minds. Look at this forum any day and count the times that something is explained with "So-and-so isn't really who you think--not a woman, but a man [For some reason it is never 'that is a woman posing as a man'] -- not that person we knew but a body double -- not a double but wearing a hyper-realistic mask -- they are all really dead." The logistics of replacing the Pope, the Queen, the Clintons, Joe but not Jill Biden, the Obamas, the Pences, etc. with believable doubles that stay believable for months on end just don't pose a problem at all, and people who want to argue in favor of this great replacement are just as hostile to alternative explanations as the Branch Covidians.
There is an interview of a CVS Pharmacist saying they are paid $6,500 a week to shut up and give the jab. Found on on the Health Rangers channel.
As for mind control, MK Ultra is a real thing. And that's an old technology by today's standards. I can only imagine what they have these days.
Definitely agree the level of blindness to mankind's survival instincts towards what is happening is clearly not normal. Even IF it's about money, knowingly giving the jab SHOULD go against common sense protection of your fellow species. Like when you come upon a car accident and see someone stuck or about to be burned. Everyone usually acts INSTINCTIVELY to try and help, no matter who you are. That seems to be being dumbed down somehow.
Inquimous, I have asked myself this question repeatedly. I go back and forth between "fear" as an answer or something far more profound and insidious.
What has caused people to suspend any kind of scrutiny for putting an experimental drug into their bodies and the bodies of their loved ones? What has caused them to not only accept this drug without question, but vilify those who won't?
Obviously fear is part of this equation. Non stop fear mongering for over a year from every single network and cable news program has caused the minds of many to shut down. But it feels like there's something more, doesn't there?
And what has caused hundreds of thousands of doctors to turn their back on their oath and not advise their patients of the inherent risk of these "vaccines"?
This is anecdotal and I admit that it's of questionable worth, but I asked my own doctor about the vaccines a few months back. This is a man who I've always had an extremely close doctor/patient relationship with for the past 15 years. He and I are the same age and typically our appointments run half an hour long because we're catching up on one another's lives and the newest medical data.
For the first time in 15 years, my doctor clammed up when I asked him about the safety of the covid vaccines and specifically the AED phenomenon. He danced around the risks of the vaccine. To his credit, he never tried to advise me that the covid vaccines are safe. But bottom line, for the first time in 15 years, he was evasive with me. At the time, I was simply bothered and confused by the interaction.
Now I can't help but wonder if there's a widespread pressure campaign to push doctors to support this vaccine. The enormity of such an operation makes me skeptical, but I can't help but wonder. when I see how pervasive the pressure campaign is across media, hollywood, even sports journalism to convince people that this vaccine is safe, the idea of a widespread pressure campaign on the nation's doctors doesn't seem so implausible.
But of course that then begs the question of why do "they" want us to all get the vaccine so badly. We sure as hell know it's not for our benefit.
This is not a fad that is going through a normal development. It persists. It isn't entirely irrational to be concerned about an unknown disease, but is odd that there are two hardened sides and were from early on. I can attribute a lot of this to misledia, constant play to emotion, lack of background knowledge preventing many from understanding, habitual trust of the government, many reasons. It still doesn't seem like enough to explain the pervasive belief in masks and distancing and vaccines, to me.
Exactly. It just doesn't add up. Are we underestimating the effects of fear on the brains of Americans, or are we dealing with something more exotic like some kind of intrainment technology?
Great comment ..and I agree with you about it’s something more ? It can’t just be the brainwashing fear! Hypnotized , something they drank , what the hell is it , I just can’t believe this many people can be this dumb! Doctors is my question as well , I too had great relationship , we spent more than appt time talking about our kids life etc she almost treats like I’m an enemy , I believe my daughter, disabled 29 yrs old and me will be cut off , Kaiser is pressuring me heavy to get vax , threatening almost ! Wtf is going on, it’s more than brainwashing. I know pharmaceutical personal are making bank , extra cash for vaccinating, most pharmacists took the money extra 6000 and more a week. It has to stop! I pray President Trump changes his stand and makes announcement , that may help , something has to turn , I’m in Cali , it’s bad here , real bad ! I’m not sure how much longer we can go on ..between the whole steal and the Vaxx and the basic destruction of our country much more can our country and Americans themselves endure!
Brother I am so sorry you are going through this, especially when you're also having to look out for your daughter's well being as well.
You bring up an important element and that's the $$$ element. Is this just cash spread to the right people? I have no doubt that the money angle is a part of it because the deep state's resources are nearly limitless.
But it feels like something more is going on here to see millions of Americans just refuse to accept that there could be risk associated with this "vaccine".
I keep thinking of a story an older friend of mine once relayed to me. I want to be respectful of this person's privacy so I'll be a bit vague about who they were, but suffice it to say they were in a deputy cabinet position in the first Bush administration and part of the first Clinton administration. Not a cabinet position as they were a deputy, but they reported directly to a cabinet member for a large federal agency. This person is very, very savvy in how the federal government really works.
She was once invited to an a speaking engagement in D.C. and Donald Rumsfeld was the speaker and a crowd of around 300 D.C. insiders attended the talk. Again, my friend is very wise to the ways of D.C., and they're very familiar with the war machine. They went to this talk out of mild curiosity and due to a number of her friends (with similar views) attending.
Rumsfeld gave a speech about the importance of the United States using it's military muscle to straighten out the Middle East. It was the typical "bomb them into embracing democracy" talk that one would expect. It was a fiery speech and at the climax, the entire room was on its feet cheering, INCLUDING my friend. At this point, my friend literally said aloud "What in the f*** is happening right now??!". She looked around and saw many friends and colleagues that they KNEW were wise to the ways of the war machine and to a person, they were cheering and clapping loudly.
My friend had heard whispers of black budget and SAP projects dedicated to entrainment technologies (electronic persuasion/mind control) and at that point was convinced that the crowd was being subjected to some sort of entrainment technology. This was a highly influential group of people attending Rumsfeld's speech and it made sense that an effort would be made to influence their opinions on what we now know would come with the eventual "Dubya" administration. My friend spent several months digging after this event and they are positive that there are numerous entrainment technologies both in development and in use by elements of the federal government.
So are we seeing the use of some sort of entrainment technology to cause a large swath of the population to completely dismiss critical thinking when it comes to the corona virus vaccines? If so, why are people like you, myself and this community immune from it? Or is there no entrainment at work and we are just underestimating the anti-cognitive effects of non-stop fear on cable and network news for the past 15 months?
I don't know. I honestly don't. But my gut tells me that something insidious is going on here beyond what we can see. "They" are desperate to get as many people to take this vaccine as possible and it does not make sense given the available treatments (HCQ, Ivermectin) and the low mortality rate. There's some hidden danger to these vaccines. Given the stakes, it only makes sense to me that "they" would use every method available to convince as many Americans as possible to get "the jab".
Sorry for the book, NSB. This subject has been on my mind a lot lately. God bless you and your daughter, Patriot.
Interesting word choices.. “What we have learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they’ve been hypnotized.”
“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month.
It seems like many, many people being bewitched is the real plague. Seriously, how is it possible to effect such a massive, widespread, persistent sheepishness? Maybe the virus is only part of the problem.
This has been bothering me too. The word choice of Dr. McCullough jumped off the page at me.
At first I figured this whole thing was merely orchestrated from the top down, the usual pushing a narrative continually through repetition. Then I thought nah. there must be something more and concluded that there must've been huge financial incentives offered. But that didn't seem like enough so obviously there must also be an additional layer of severe threats for those who speak out or refuse. Is that enough to cause smart people to lose their minds and fall in line?
Now I'm worried we're witnessing something far more nefarious. Really smart people have absolutely stopped thinking for themselves, it's so bizarre. Whatever the cause, it's superlative to the "normal" tools of propaganda (relentless fear-mongering, threats, coercion and bribery). I have NO idea if this type technology exists (yet) but it looks like some sort of bizarre electronic mind control.
The only common thread I can find among people I personally know who took the jab so willingly is that these are the same folks who've been taking flu shots every year for many years. They also watch TV.
Gonna go find me a tin foil hat now...
The usual types of brainwashing can result in Stockholm Syndrome, but I think at bottom there is always a core resistance that eventually erodes the conditioning. I woke up thinking it isn't just them who have seemingly lost the ability to try out other realities and change their minds. Look at this forum any day and count the times that something is explained with "So-and-so isn't really who you think--not a woman, but a man [For some reason it is never 'that is a woman posing as a man'] -- not that person we knew but a body double -- not a double but wearing a hyper-realistic mask -- they are all really dead." The logistics of replacing the Pope, the Queen, the Clintons, Joe but not Jill Biden, the Obamas, the Pences, etc. with believable doubles that stay believable for months on end just don't pose a problem at all, and people who want to argue in favor of this great replacement are just as hostile to alternative explanations as the Branch Covidians.
There is an interview of a CVS Pharmacist saying they are paid $6,500 a week to shut up and give the jab. Found on on the Health Rangers channel. As for mind control, MK Ultra is a real thing. And that's an old technology by today's standards. I can only imagine what they have these days. Definitely agree the level of blindness to mankind's survival instincts towards what is happening is clearly not normal. Even IF it's about money, knowingly giving the jab SHOULD go against common sense protection of your fellow species. Like when you come upon a car accident and see someone stuck or about to be burned. Everyone usually acts INSTINCTIVELY to try and help, no matter who you are. That seems to be being dumbed down somehow.
Yes I saw the same video , God bless that pharmacist, so sad ! Yes, the natural instinct in humans to save is gone , profound statement you made
Inquimous, I have asked myself this question repeatedly. I go back and forth between "fear" as an answer or something far more profound and insidious.
What has caused people to suspend any kind of scrutiny for putting an experimental drug into their bodies and the bodies of their loved ones? What has caused them to not only accept this drug without question, but vilify those who won't?
Obviously fear is part of this equation. Non stop fear mongering for over a year from every single network and cable news program has caused the minds of many to shut down. But it feels like there's something more, doesn't there?
And what has caused hundreds of thousands of doctors to turn their back on their oath and not advise their patients of the inherent risk of these "vaccines"?
This is anecdotal and I admit that it's of questionable worth, but I asked my own doctor about the vaccines a few months back. This is a man who I've always had an extremely close doctor/patient relationship with for the past 15 years. He and I are the same age and typically our appointments run half an hour long because we're catching up on one another's lives and the newest medical data.
For the first time in 15 years, my doctor clammed up when I asked him about the safety of the covid vaccines and specifically the AED phenomenon. He danced around the risks of the vaccine. To his credit, he never tried to advise me that the covid vaccines are safe. But bottom line, for the first time in 15 years, he was evasive with me. At the time, I was simply bothered and confused by the interaction.
Now I can't help but wonder if there's a widespread pressure campaign to push doctors to support this vaccine. The enormity of such an operation makes me skeptical, but I can't help but wonder. when I see how pervasive the pressure campaign is across media, hollywood, even sports journalism to convince people that this vaccine is safe, the idea of a widespread pressure campaign on the nation's doctors doesn't seem so implausible.
But of course that then begs the question of why do "they" want us to all get the vaccine so badly. We sure as hell know it's not for our benefit.
This is not a fad that is going through a normal development. It persists. It isn't entirely irrational to be concerned about an unknown disease, but is odd that there are two hardened sides and were from early on. I can attribute a lot of this to misledia, constant play to emotion, lack of background knowledge preventing many from understanding, habitual trust of the government, many reasons. It still doesn't seem like enough to explain the pervasive belief in masks and distancing and vaccines, to me.
Exactly. It just doesn't add up. Are we underestimating the effects of fear on the brains of Americans, or are we dealing with something more exotic like some kind of intrainment technology?
Great comment ..and I agree with you about it’s something more ? It can’t just be the brainwashing fear! Hypnotized , something they drank , what the hell is it , I just can’t believe this many people can be this dumb! Doctors is my question as well , I too had great relationship , we spent more than appt time talking about our kids life etc she almost treats like I’m an enemy , I believe my daughter, disabled 29 yrs old and me will be cut off , Kaiser is pressuring me heavy to get vax , threatening almost ! Wtf is going on, it’s more than brainwashing. I know pharmaceutical personal are making bank , extra cash for vaccinating, most pharmacists took the money extra 6000 and more a week. It has to stop! I pray President Trump changes his stand and makes announcement , that may help , something has to turn , I’m in Cali , it’s bad here , real bad ! I’m not sure how much longer we can go on ..between the whole steal and the Vaxx and the basic destruction of our country much more can our country and Americans themselves endure!
Brother I am so sorry you are going through this, especially when you're also having to look out for your daughter's well being as well.
You bring up an important element and that's the $$$ element. Is this just cash spread to the right people? I have no doubt that the money angle is a part of it because the deep state's resources are nearly limitless.
But it feels like something more is going on here to see millions of Americans just refuse to accept that there could be risk associated with this "vaccine".
I keep thinking of a story an older friend of mine once relayed to me. I want to be respectful of this person's privacy so I'll be a bit vague about who they were, but suffice it to say they were in a deputy cabinet position in the first Bush administration and part of the first Clinton administration. Not a cabinet position as they were a deputy, but they reported directly to a cabinet member for a large federal agency. This person is very, very savvy in how the federal government really works.
She was once invited to an a speaking engagement in D.C. and Donald Rumsfeld was the speaker and a crowd of around 300 D.C. insiders attended the talk. Again, my friend is very wise to the ways of D.C., and they're very familiar with the war machine. They went to this talk out of mild curiosity and due to a number of her friends (with similar views) attending.
Rumsfeld gave a speech about the importance of the United States using it's military muscle to straighten out the Middle East. It was the typical "bomb them into embracing democracy" talk that one would expect. It was a fiery speech and at the climax, the entire room was on its feet cheering, INCLUDING my friend. At this point, my friend literally said aloud "What in the f*** is happening right now??!". She looked around and saw many friends and colleagues that they KNEW were wise to the ways of the war machine and to a person, they were cheering and clapping loudly.
My friend had heard whispers of black budget and SAP projects dedicated to entrainment technologies (electronic persuasion/mind control) and at that point was convinced that the crowd was being subjected to some sort of entrainment technology. This was a highly influential group of people attending Rumsfeld's speech and it made sense that an effort would be made to influence their opinions on what we now know would come with the eventual "Dubya" administration. My friend spent several months digging after this event and they are positive that there are numerous entrainment technologies both in development and in use by elements of the federal government.
So are we seeing the use of some sort of entrainment technology to cause a large swath of the population to completely dismiss critical thinking when it comes to the corona virus vaccines? If so, why are people like you, myself and this community immune from it? Or is there no entrainment at work and we are just underestimating the anti-cognitive effects of non-stop fear on cable and network news for the past 15 months?
I don't know. I honestly don't. But my gut tells me that something insidious is going on here beyond what we can see. "They" are desperate to get as many people to take this vaccine as possible and it does not make sense given the available treatments (HCQ, Ivermectin) and the low mortality rate. There's some hidden danger to these vaccines. Given the stakes, it only makes sense to me that "they" would use every method available to convince as many Americans as possible to get "the jab".
Sorry for the book, NSB. This subject has been on my mind a lot lately. God bless you and your daughter, Patriot.
And those doctors need to HANG or at least be sued into destitution. (BTW I’m a doctor too so this is not envy....)
Or the doctors know what they are doing and consciously dont care.
These doctors have blood on their hands.
And blood clots perhaps, if they took the injection themselves.
Lol not really funny , but funny