How is it possible every nation in the Antarctic treaty has held up their end of the deal? No oil exploration? Nothing? Seriously? Why does John Kerry keep going there? He may be a Globalist climate radical, but seriously? He's not a scientist! Why is every thing these people have done exactly like Nazis? Even down to medical experimentation?Where did those 43,000 german women who were shipped to Antarctica at the end of WWII go? Is it possible we are actually dealing with the 4th Reich? Did Nazis really escape to Antarctica? Why can't a plane traverse it? Why are all plane paths set to completely avoid it? Environmental reasons? For real? If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you! What is our reality? WHO or WHAT is in Antarctica?
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Give a brief explanation. I have not gone fully down that rabbit hole. You are right.
And the main reason is it does not make sense on the surface level, and NOBODY has EVER given me even so much as a brief explanation of how it could satisfy my questions.
I find that odd.
Maybe you will be the first. Rather than just dismiss what I said, what is the basic explanation of how my question could be answered?
This is the problem I am talking about. There is WAY too much info out there on multiple topics to absorb it all. Too much to learn, too little time to learn it.
So, I asked for a brief overview, but you only gave me a link to 3 videos to watch.
No time, man. Give me YOUR brief explanation.
If you really believe it is worth checking out, you should be able to explain it in a short paragraph or three.
Nobody has EVER done that, so I don't take it seriously. If the people who believe it can't give some sort of brief overview, then why should I bother diving into something that would take hours, if not much longer to really dig into it?
Especially, when it makes no sense on the surface level.
How can it be both day and night at the same time, on a flat surface?
Doesn't it necessarily mean the Sun revolves around the Earth in some why? If not, then how does it work?
I'm just asking for some basics to get me past the "not worth the time" that I am seeing.
We should of course be aware that much of what we have been taught is false. But that does not mean that EVERYTHING we've been taught is false. More importantly, it does not mean we should believe (or even spend much time on) pursuing EVERY possibility that someone can come up with.
The burden of proof is on he who makes the assertion.
My problem is you need to be able to understand physics, geography, mathematics, calculus, astrology and astrophysics to be able to tackle this topic.
Everytime I try to go down the rabbit hole I barely get past the basics as I am useless at maths and physics. I cant prove or disprove either way because I cannot understand what is being presented as evidence so I just try and keep an open mind about Flat Earth as a whole.
You sure had a lot of time to type. There's literally tons of videos of people actually doing experiments. Dude, do your own research. Then come chat about it. It's always been up to you to find the answers.
Checking in again ...
Probably took me a minute to type that. I type fast. About as fast as I can think.
Typical non-answer.
No problem. All they have to do is present a map of the flat world, showing where the edges are...and photographs of the edge, with space looming beyond. A third-grader could put together a map. It would be wrong, of course, but it wouldn't matter if you had a Ph.D. do it---it would still be wrong!
Meanwhile, the rest of us travel from continent to continent, all over the globe, complete with time zones, and enjoy communication relayed by satellites, and send men around the Moon. We even have a robot photo of a round earth by the Lunar Orbiter probe. The terrible thing is that the round Earth WORKS. It fits into a coherent world of physics and geography. Even the Book of Job alluded to a round, rotating Earth in one verse about finding the pole in the northlands.
OK. Thanks for that.
So, FE says that the Sun revolves around or follows the Earth. That means that the planets do not do what is commonly thought (revolve around the Sun). So, that opens another discussion due to that set of problems.
It also implies that the Earth is the center of the universe.
It also makes me question how Magellen circumnavigated the Earth. FE seems to suggest he went in a circle rather than following a globe.
All modern navigation is based on a round Earth, so why is it that their instruments are spot on, but also somehow wrong?
What is on the underside of the Earth? How thick is it if it is flat?
It's one thing to think that man did not walk on the Moon, or that Oswald did not kill Kennedy (at least, alone), or that the 2020 election was rigged.
It's quite another to throw out much of what has been discovered about physics, even though we rely on those discoveries on a daily basis and they have served us well with the understanding we have.
I am willing to question some of the things we are told to believe when it comes to the universe.
I do not accept the Big Bang Theory as fact. That's one example. So, I am willing to consider alternative ideas, but the Flat Earth idea just leads to an ever-expanding list of questions that would unravel so much of physics, that it is not plausible IMO.
Big Bang Theory can be discarded with a simpler explanation. Flat Earth cannot. FE only complicates things to the point of ridiculousness.