posted ago by dildoschwaggins ago by dildoschwaggins +201 / -0

So today it was time for a dentist visit for the kids. I don't wear a mask, and under no circumstances will I allow my children to wear them. The dentist office visit was no exception.

They emailed us videos on their ongoing safety protocols, we received text messages, and there were signs on the door when we arrived today.

I rolled in with the kids, MAGA hat on, no masks. I was asked if we had any - I gave a stern look and said NOPE. I was reminded that they're still "required" in health care facilities. I informed them that we weren't wearing them. The guy states that he's just following state guidelines to which I replied yup. After a 10 second staring contest, not a further word was said and the check-in process and appointment resumed without issue.

Moral of the story: stand up for yourself and your family. If a relative is dying in the hospital and the nazis won't let you in w/o a mask I get it. Aside from that situation FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT.

At the end of the day no one wanted to push the issue. The hundred some bucks that they get from the visit and the lack of escalation was more worth it to them than a worthless cloth covering my face.

This isn't just about the masks that are worthless medically. It's not just about the illegal and legally unenforceable mandates. This is about freedom vs slavery, acceptance vs the will to fight, the USA vs Chyna. The best is yet to come! Never again can we allow any of this to happen again. Never.