Crypto does this very well but it is stuck in a digital system we have no control over. People can goo over Crypto all they want but if the power goes out the value you've put into that system is gone, its not the perfect solution. Once you've put the value you produce into silver and gold it can never be taken from you other than by force. My stack is never just gonna disappear but a 100% digital thing can.
Also it doesnt have to be a competition, they are both good for different things. I don't trust crypto personally but that's a suspicion that I admit is pretty irrational.
Stop it with the "power goes out" crap. If the entire global grid collapses there would be a billion things more to worry about than finances. I'm so sick of this stupid argument.
My silver stack could help me with those billion things, your crypto would be gone. There's numerous ways that your crypto can be separated from you, the entire global grid doesnt have to go out. Q has said there will be internet and power outages, but lets keep all our value in something that needs both internet and power...
Ethereum is a cryptocurrency. In my opinion one of the most powerful in what it does. One of the thousands of uses is a public ledger. Basically you can build a website on Ethereum and the entire Ethereum network makes a copy of it and makes it part of the coin. Like a giant tapestry. Once data is added to the tapestry. IT CAN NEVER BE REMOVED. In the past assanges Deadman switch failed because they stopped the servers and nodes from transmitting info.
McAfee's Deadman switch is publishing to the Ethereum Blockchain tapestry. The only way to prevent this is to completely shutdown the internet forever in every country.
From what I can gather, shortly after McAffee's alleged death, a picture of a black background and a white Q was posted on his instagram.
Initial inspection turned into serious xray vision and it was soon confirmed that the picture contained a long string of numbers.
Some speculated that it was just code for Instagram metadata, whilst others claim it was an account number linked to the Etherium network.
This is where it starts to get heavy for me. I've only just started looking onto crypto, but what I can gather is something along the lines that within all these little transactions that have been triggered by his dead-man-switch, there are some kind of messages. These messages will travel to their destinations wherever that may be but cannot be shut down and the information cannot be destroyed. If true, it could be potentially quite damning to anyone contained within the info or messages or data or whatever it might be.
It hurts my head to think how 80's I actually am. I really need to start paying more attention.
What a coincidence this happens the same time as the AZ audit finishes. Plus his death lines up with a Q post and John's IG posts a Q. I'm thinking this is a 1-2 punch and the files will appear after AZ is declared stolen and the usuals try to cover it up. If they wanted to wake people up this world would be a good way to do it. The only question left is what is in those files? Who is named/pictured?
Thats weaponized autism right there.
Twitter account mentioned
Followers 17k Following 17k.
This is why Crypto is worth more than gold and silver. Information is 100xs more useful than gold and silver. Information will wake people up.
Crypto does this very well but it is stuck in a digital system we have no control over. People can goo over Crypto all they want but if the power goes out the value you've put into that system is gone, its not the perfect solution. Once you've put the value you produce into silver and gold it can never be taken from you other than by force. My stack is never just gonna disappear but a 100% digital thing can.
Also it doesnt have to be a competition, they are both good for different things. I don't trust crypto personally but that's a suspicion that I admit is pretty irrational.
Stop it with the "power goes out" crap. If the entire global grid collapses there would be a billion things more to worry about than finances. I'm so sick of this stupid argument.
My silver stack could help me with those billion things, your crypto would be gone. There's numerous ways that your crypto can be separated from you, the entire global grid doesnt have to go out. Q has said there will be internet and power outages, but lets keep all our value in something that needs both internet and power...
Crypt = Death
Pretty sure cryptic means secretive? Did you know you can store your crypto in your mind, actually with relative ease?
This gon be gooooood!
Um??? I got a 1MB P06-06MPX-F.SLDPRT file from this search:
It was the only search result, and downloaded upon clicking the link:
A cad file? Most likely a coincidence, I assume.
Does anyone know if this is BS yet? I wouldn't be able to figure this out ?
This from newusertopostmemes was helpful to me:
Ethereum is a cryptocurrency. In my opinion one of the most powerful in what it does. One of the thousands of uses is a public ledger. Basically you can build a website on Ethereum and the entire Ethereum network makes a copy of it and makes it part of the coin. Like a giant tapestry. Once data is added to the tapestry. IT CAN NEVER BE REMOVED. In the past assanges Deadman switch failed because they stopped the servers and nodes from transmitting info.
McAfee's Deadman switch is publishing to the Ethereum Blockchain tapestry. The only way to prevent this is to completely shutdown the internet forever in every country.
See the problem? Ncswic
I don't understand anything. It's ok though. I still have hope.
From what I can gather, shortly after McAffee's alleged death, a picture of a black background and a white Q was posted on his instagram. Initial inspection turned into serious xray vision and it was soon confirmed that the picture contained a long string of numbers. Some speculated that it was just code for Instagram metadata, whilst others claim it was an account number linked to the Etherium network. This is where it starts to get heavy for me. I've only just started looking onto crypto, but what I can gather is something along the lines that within all these little transactions that have been triggered by his dead-man-switch, there are some kind of messages. These messages will travel to their destinations wherever that may be but cannot be shut down and the information cannot be destroyed. If true, it could be potentially quite damning to anyone contained within the info or messages or data or whatever it might be. It hurts my head to think how 80's I actually am. I really need to start paying more attention.
thank you for the explanation, very helpful
I am deferring this to the autists as I am not that techy and not my specialty. I'll take everything I read with a grain of salt until we see proof.
What does it mean “old Q post references the +++”
Where is that old Q post referenced in regards to all this?
Well then lets get it on!!!!!! Wooooooooo
What a coincidence this happens the same time as the AZ audit finishes. Plus his death lines up with a Q post and John's IG posts a Q. I'm thinking this is a 1-2 punch and the files will appear after AZ is declared stolen and the usuals try to cover it up. If they wanted to wake people up this world would be a good way to do it. The only question left is what is in those files? Who is named/pictured?