Canada is sliding toward dictatorship.
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Like father like son. Trudeau is just a younger Castro.
His genetics are becoming more apparent....
Ha! Beat me to it!
I'm sorry, you go first next time.
We'll take turns haha <3
That isn't fair, he's won his re-election as legitimately as Biden won POTUS.
Yes, true the voting machines are crooked in Canada too. But the people their just accept what is happening to them too. They better stand up soon or they will find themselves speaking Chinese.
We have paper ballots across Canada, only a few places actually permitted electronic ballots. Maybe there was some cheating but I genuinely believe trudeau would have won anyways. Canada is very cucked, even if Trudrau doesn't win conservatives will do just as much globalist bullshit and probably worse.
Everyone is sitting on their fucking hands again
Canada has been a dictatorship for a while actually.
Valid observation...
The whole 'giving offense is illegal' thing is basically arriving at the anarcho-tyranny end-point.
Because there is no constraint on what is 'offensive' - any person can decide to be offended by anything without limit. Except if they decide to be offended by police, government policy etc then they can be ignored, because the govt wont prosecute itself.
So anyone can be arrested at any time for no reason with no burden of proof.
Valid observations...
Happened in the UK the exact same way right?
All the claims that these laws 'would never be abused!'.. and now police kick in doors at 4am to drag people to prison gulags for mean tweets. Passing by child-rape gangs and terrorists on the way that they dont do anything about.
So thats what Canada has to look forward to, maybe quicker than anyone would ever believe possible.
Sliding? They're already there.
I cant wait for the crying and gnashing of teeth on this damned spawn
The sooner the better....