This is why we need all eyes on the audit. X22 report reveals all the Misinformation of Arizona's audit @ 20:00 +
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I listened to talk radio pretty much all day on Monday and Tuesday (Beck to Levin), and NONE of them even mentioned the AZ audit. Is there some kind of threat against them if they do? Have their corporate overlords banned that from discussion? And to hear Hannity say, "There is no Constitutional support for having Trump become President" (if fraud proves he won). That's got to be the most ridiculous thing I have heard, as if the Constitution could foresee such a thing as electronic voting, or that the founders could even imagine there would be such corrupt politicians in office that such massive fraud could be orchestrated.
Hannity is crap. He praises 99% of the FBI. He also hung up on Mark Dice when Dice called in and asked Hannity about the Bilderburg convention. I’m sure the list of his deceptions is very long.
Hannity is on Fox. Controlled opposition. I stopped watching about a year ago. You don't need his "two cents". And Tucker.
I agree on trump not being automatically president if the election is fraud.
What that means is nobody was elected and you can't use the election results.
It means you have another election. Now. Without fraud. See how those numbers turn out differently.
The fraud has been happening....and you bet they are threatened if they talk about it. If they are making money and have enough viewers anywhere to get in the way of the deep state narrative, you bet tney are controlled too.
I do remember when Keith Olberman was threatened going after Bush and rhe war. Chris Mathew too! He was told " you know who pays for your house"