i'm from Brazil, he's know here for being very "politically engaged"... specially since his Husband is a Congressman for one of the most Left-Leaning parties here, PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party, but the whole thing is a joke, like, the most bizarre kind of left-lib you can imagine, and they're not that left-lib either, they're as Communist as Mainstream commies can get.)
so, i have a problem with Greenwald, he seems a very honest person when i see his international work, but everything he's done here in Brazil seems like the work of a Grifter, not that he's lying about it (technically), but some "outside efforts" had to be made so the Prison of ex-president Lula could be made, since Brazilian corruption runs so deep that it is very difficult to arrange it.
so he made a big thing about "corruption inside the government" when the entire thing was just so they could arrest one of the heads of the biggest corruption scandal on earth.
unfortunally you can't always do things by the book when dealing with a corrupt system, Greenwald knows this and made a big thing out of it.
i really can't understand him, he SEEMS like a honest guy in international work, but he's a full-on commie in Brazil, even going out of his way to defend how "Dilma fought against Brazilian dictatorship and was arrested by it", Dilma being a former Brazilian president (female) who was impeached in the middle of her term, she was a part of "PT" (labor party), who had absolute control of Brazil for 13 Years, spent Hundreds of Millions of dollars in foreign infrastructure (like the 100 Million USD in a harbor... IN CUBA, which they never paid us back) .
Dilma was also a Communist Revolutionary during the Brazilian Dictatorship/Regime that the left loves to vilify, like, sure, they were bad, any military dictatorship is bad when there's censorship and political killings, but the Death Count of the Dictatorship is a mere 434 People.
Brazilian Government is corrupt to its roots, and has been in control of the Communists friends with Fidel and African Dictators for a long time, now we have Bolsonaro (who isn't the brightest and definetively isn't capable of dealing with the inherent corruption, so he's fallen for it apparently and has become a part of it)
ALL THAT BEING SAID: my point is, Greenwald is a Commie, don't trust him to portrait facts as they are, because he doesn't.
EVEN I'M not certain about what to think of him, and that's why i'm careful with what he says.
i mean, yeah, but only full-on communists, not "i'm married to a left-lib congressman".
In Brazil we have a party known as "PCO" (another labor party, "Party of the Worker's Cause"), but this one is full-on communist, and people from my thinking (Extreme Lib-Right) agree with them FAR more than any other party in the scene.
They're Pro-Guns, Anti-Big Government, Localists and etc. it's really strange but day after day we agree with each other even more, and that's because they're true Localist-Communists, not Commie Internationalists who will end up starving under the rule of Stalin or Che.
Everyone in media are varying degrees of Alex Jones.
That includes Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald.
For his part, Glenn was part of the production to promote Snowden, who we all know to be a traitor. Snowden's only purpose was to damage the NSA's capabilities for the benefit of the other 3-letter agencies and elites, who didn't want to be spied on by the US military.
Whether knowingly or not, Glenn is a significant element of that psyop.
Count-down to the Gulag. Let's see what the charges will be: "Incitement to riot"; "trespassing on government property"; and of course the usual added Feeb "evidence", "possible child pornos in electronic devices".
Not sure about Mossad but I would not be shocked. He speaks the truth (mostly) but the way he rolled on the election fraud got me to question and walk away from him. And now he is talking about the NSA spying on us. They are our last hope, so that got me solidly against him.
Greenwald is closer to the truth than just about any other journo in a lot of cases. He may be a liberal but he's a pretty good journalist.
That's because he's a true liberal and not a commie hack. All sane liberals are now "conservative" Trump supporters.
nah, he's a Left-Liberal.
i'm from Brazil, he's know here for being very "politically engaged"... specially since his Husband is a Congressman for one of the most Left-Leaning parties here, PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party, but the whole thing is a joke, like, the most bizarre kind of left-lib you can imagine, and they're not that left-lib either, they're as Communist as Mainstream commies can get.)
so, i have a problem with Greenwald, he seems a very honest person when i see his international work, but everything he's done here in Brazil seems like the work of a Grifter, not that he's lying about it (technically), but some "outside efforts" had to be made so the Prison of ex-president Lula could be made, since Brazilian corruption runs so deep that it is very difficult to arrange it.
so he made a big thing about "corruption inside the government" when the entire thing was just so they could arrest one of the heads of the biggest corruption scandal on earth.
unfortunally you can't always do things by the book when dealing with a corrupt system, Greenwald knows this and made a big thing out of it.
i really can't understand him, he SEEMS like a honest guy in international work, but he's a full-on commie in Brazil, even going out of his way to defend how "Dilma fought against Brazilian dictatorship and was arrested by it", Dilma being a former Brazilian president (female) who was impeached in the middle of her term, she was a part of "PT" (labor party), who had absolute control of Brazil for 13 Years, spent Hundreds of Millions of dollars in foreign infrastructure (like the 100 Million USD in a harbor... IN CUBA, which they never paid us back) .
Dilma was also a Communist Revolutionary during the Brazilian Dictatorship/Regime that the left loves to vilify, like, sure, they were bad, any military dictatorship is bad when there's censorship and political killings, but the Death Count of the Dictatorship is a mere 434 People.
Brazilian Government is corrupt to its roots, and has been in control of the Communists friends with Fidel and African Dictators for a long time, now we have Bolsonaro (who isn't the brightest and definetively isn't capable of dealing with the inherent corruption, so he's fallen for it apparently and has become a part of it)
ALL THAT BEING SAID: my point is, Greenwald is a Commie, don't trust him to portrait facts as they are, because he doesn't.
EVEN I'M not certain about what to think of him, and that's why i'm careful with what he says.
I knew a communist who was very anti-establishment and agreed with me on a lot.
So, for what it's worth, being kind of "based" might be convenient to their narrative.
i mean, yeah, but only full-on communists, not "i'm married to a left-lib congressman".
In Brazil we have a party known as "PCO" (another labor party, "Party of the Worker's Cause"), but this one is full-on communist, and people from my thinking (Extreme Lib-Right) agree with them FAR more than any other party in the scene.
They're Pro-Guns, Anti-Big Government, Localists and etc. it's really strange but day after day we agree with each other even more, and that's because they're true Localist-Communists, not Commie Internationalists who will end up starving under the rule of Stalin or Che.
Greenwald can teach us bibles full of truth.
Everyone in media are varying degrees of Alex Jones.
That includes Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald.
For his part, Glenn was part of the production to promote Snowden, who we all know to be a traitor. Snowden's only purpose was to damage the NSA's capabilities for the benefit of the other 3-letter agencies and elites, who didn't want to be spied on by the US military.
Whether knowingly or not, Glenn is a significant element of that psyop.
Count-down to the Gulag. Let's see what the charges will be: "Incitement to riot"; "trespassing on government property"; and of course the usual added Feeb "evidence", "possible child pornos in electronic devices".
Please do share. WHAT makes you think Tucker is Mossad. ??
Not sure about Mossad but I would not be shocked. He speaks the truth (mostly) but the way he rolled on the election fraud got me to question and walk away from him. And now he is talking about the NSA spying on us. They are our last hope, so that got me solidly against him.
If he's the new Alex Jones, then he's a confirmed shill. Q post 1341.
Both are Mockingbird assets and should be ignored
Both are Mockingbird assets and should be ignored
Both are Mockingbird assets and should be ignored
How do you introduce the public to the concept of sexual blackmail?
Enjoy the show...!