Carelessness in posting makes our board look careless.
We have truth and right and clear thinking on our side.
But the socialist lefties have literacy on their side. Let's try to narrow the literacy gap.
Does it require too much effort?
How much does any of us value what we post?
Well typos happen to the best of us. It would be helpful if headline posts could be edited after submitting. I know you can delete and start over but then what happens to the comments, which are often rich and educational?
BTW, I've read lots of posts that were not grammatically correct on the left side too. Unfortunately, written English is a lost art for many.
Don't understand why we are unable to edit headlines. Seems like an obvious good idea.
Left is far from perfect but they seem to have a higher coefficient of literacy than we do - to me.
The real grind here is that we think in language and the inaccuracy, the carelessness, of our written language only reflects the inaccuracy of our thinking.
Many of them went to college for their indoctrination. They have some education in grammar and such. They just lack common sense and the ability to reason through anything that isn't spelled out correctly for them. :)
Proofreading is great and can be very effective. As an editor for our local news paper I can tell you that there are times when I can read the same copy 10 times and still not catch a typo. It happens.
Sure. Not speaking to the occasional typo. We all make them now and then.
Perfect is the enemy of the good.
Ok, fren. Have a good weaken.
Some more than others, fren.
Yes, some more than others. That's clear.
More important than appearance is the effectiveness of the communication. For example, I do not read walls of text. If you can not be bothered to put effort into making your post easy to read, why should I put any effort into reading it?
Grammar, structure, convention, etc. are tools for improving communication. Readers rely on the cues they supply, mostly unconsciously, to aid their comprehension. If you can't, or won't provide those cues for me, you are thoughtless, and probably don't have anything of value to say.