You are equivocating Race and Political ideology. It's not Black v White, it's Socialist v neo-capitalist's. I use 'neo' because they are not pure capitalist in SA. The black SA has NOTHING in common with the 'American' black. Zero. Their lawless chimps, and our lawless chimps are lawless for totally different reasons. Not a racial slur, there are a shit-ton of white chimps in this country (Antifa). If the 'blacks' decide to 'hoard' and march on whole towns like they are doing there ... that shit would be a fucking blood bath. There would be an ocean of dead looters here.
Zuma is a gangster on a par with Cuomo, he ran the country like a US mob boss, encouraged all kinds of corruption and grift as long as he got a cut. He put all his loyal minions into cabinet positions and wrecked SA badly.
Propensity to violence is genetic? You are a complete fucking imbesile. That right there is the REAL problem. People who think like that are mental runts that probably still have mommy cut up their cube steak and carrots.
It has fucking ZERO to do with race. ZERO. fucking ZERO
Again with 'MUH JEWS!!!' Get the fuck outta here you sauce packet.
You are equivocating Race and Political ideology. It's not Black v White, it's Socialist v neo-capitalist's. I use 'neo' because they are not pure capitalist in SA. The black SA has NOTHING in common with the 'American' black. Zero. Their lawless chimps, and our lawless chimps are lawless for totally different reasons. Not a racial slur, there are a shit-ton of white chimps in this country (Antifa). If the 'blacks' decide to 'hoard' and march on whole towns like they are doing there ... that shit would be a fucking blood bath. There would be an ocean of dead looters here.
Zuma is a gangster on a par with Cuomo, he ran the country like a US mob boss, encouraged all kinds of corruption and grift as long as he got a cut. He put all his loyal minions into cabinet positions and wrecked SA badly.
Propensity to violence is genetic? You are a complete fucking imbesile. That right there is the REAL problem. People who think like that are mental runts that probably still have mommy cut up their cube steak and carrots.
It has fucking ZERO to do with race. ZERO. fucking ZERO
Again with 'MUH JEWS!!!' Get the fuck outta here you sauce packet.
Actually I am very educated magna cum laude unlike your illiterate ranting self.
You don't like the facts delivered to you by the actual statistics that is your fucking problem not mine.
ahahah... kindergarten doesn't count lepton.
Facts ... you presented zero stats. zero. retard.
Ah.. there it is!!!!!!!!!
Ok... if that is true.
Why is it everytime you have that "Oreo Cookie" black who is raised in a completely different environment.
This "Oreo Cookie" black isn't in jail???
Hmm. maybe because they didn't grow up around DEMOCRAT policies of causing violence.