45 Douche of the week nominee: Steve Doocey (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by naahbruh 3 years ago by naahbruh +45 / -0 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Maybe he missed that part about the Covid Vaccines NOT WORKING and being more destructive than the virus itself.
Anybody clueless enough to still be getting their news from fox on any other MSM source should be slapped...
I go there for snapshots for GAW posts lol
I spelled his name wrong, oh well, I didn’t even know he had a name until today
His son is the one who hands Psaki her own butt during pressers.
The only one.
Speaking of names… that’s one helluvah username
I agree. I love u/LucilleBrawl !
Back at ya!
Thanks. :)
Sounds like a roller derby name
Let me help you with the spelling: Steve Douchey
They all gash about their own compliance with vaccination, all except for Degan McDowell who I've heard refuse to discuss.
Steve Douchy....
What he actually doing is warning that if we don’t get vaccinated Fauxi stormtroopers will kill you.
So be it
Just take it Kamala, apparently she can suck a golf ball through a straw. Might be able to get that out for you