"Do you genuinely trust the same institution to give you a jab that would have you pay $100k~ to stitch up your finger?"
Another one.
"People say experts can do no wrong. How many experts who paid $100k~ in tuition do you know that did it to benefit the people and not because of societal pressures, the prestige, or the big salary?"
Follow up, I guess.
"It's been proven that in corporate environments, there's a demonstrably disproportionate number of psychopaths who occupy positions of power. What makes you so sure the people on tv aren't one of these?"
Um, that was three questions...just saying.
I like the first on the best.
I was on a roll, man. Let me live my life.
Lol...you got it. Far be it for me to stop the hard hitting questions. Keep it up!
I truly do like the first one a lot. Might use it on a friend of mine.
Sometimes, the path to greater learning comes from asking the small questions, not always from simply knowing the big answers. - ThiccusDickus.
Fyi fren, it's far be it 'from' me.
Could be, but not in my neck of the woods.
I understand regional colloquialisms, but think of it logically. If a person wants to distance themselves from something, as in your original comment to thiccusdickus, the use of the word 'from' makes sense. 'Far be it from me to ...' Far be it for me to ... doesn't make sense.
Gotcha. Thank you.
Also, “If they’re truly interested in saving lives then why isn’t insulin free?”
I find that asking questions, in general, is very effective for getting a person to realize things on their own. It's an awakening. The last thing we want is for people to remain unthinking yet simply follow another set of ideas without brain engaged.
It sociopaths that make up many big company CEOs and even then its just that sociopathic traits exist more prevalently among them which makes sense when you think about it. And dont forget we hear the word sociopath and think murder but in reality most sociopaths dont murder. But Sociopaths do whatever they have to remove things preventing them from getting what they want and dont care about the ramifications it may have on others. This is why their companies got to where they are. In all honesty I’f probably want a sociopath running the company i own. Sounds crazy, i know, hehe.
I know they're not stereotypical in that regard. In fact, some sociopaths have a semblance of a conscience, albeit underdeveloped as a result of a tumultuous environment. They just don't give enough of a fck, really. Psychopaths are actually pretty different. They do not feel fear like the rest of us as a result of a difference in gen etics.
They're both almost entirely self-serving and will stop at nothing to do what they want. The difference being, a sociopath doesn't give enough of a fck to form the social relationships needed to climb to such a position. At least, that's my understanding.
Neither necessarily ascribe to all the stereotypes thought about them, but the world of ethics is largely meaningless to both, either way.