posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer +69 / -0

Being feeling burnt out lately frens both with my personal life and everything going on in society.

On a personal level I am burnt out with work. I brew beer for a living and still homebrew. I work at a brewery and my Dad recently bought into a different brewery so I have been going there to learn how to run a business. I have been doing something beer related 60-70 hours a week for the past 6-7years. The dream is open a place with my Dad so I spend lots of time brewing, reading, comparing my beers to other people's etc. I have a lot of pride in my craft so it's hard to take a break cause it's always lurking in the back of my head.

Being in the beer industry I don't make a lot of money and I am getting creamed by inflation. I drive a lot so gas prices are killing me. It costs me $50ish to fill up my Subaru in Washington State. Food costs are going up too. My GF and I are talking about marriage and having kids but I have no idea how we would be able to afford kids currently if ever at current inflation rates and cost of living.

I was at a bachelor party last weekend and I couldn't believe how so many of my high school friends have bought into the covid narrative hook line and sinker. They were talking about getting the booster shot. I was so dumbfounded I didn't say anything. Complete sheep.

Lastly I am feeling burnt out with the plan and waiting for MOASS. I spend a lot of time reading GAW, Superstonk and Wallstreetsilver. I trust the plan but have doubts at time. So many people are so far gone I don't think anything less then proof of crimes against humanity would wake them up.

Most people I know believe the lockdowns were necessary, believe masks worked even when presented with studies from Stanford and the University of Louisville saying otherwise and they'll believe if the economy implodes it's from Covid not the politicians, MSM, bankers etc.

I have seen Q proofs, I see evidence of the plan in action, I trust Trump just my main doubt is that I feel like the Q team hasn't spent enough time with the average person to understand how far gone most people are. I really don't think these people will wake up unless presented with proof of elite pedophilia.

Even my own family. All of my Trump voting family other then Me and my brother got the jab. My Dad is in denial about his financial security even though it is clear as day that inflation is out of control and a market crash is on the horizon. So I am stacking silver and buying as much GME as I can trying to save my loved ones from financial catastrophe.

I am just tired. Tired of being poor and tired of people being complete sheep. Afraid of fucking everything. Ron Paul started waking me up when I was 17 so I have been at it for a long time. Being an awake millennial just sucks sometimes.