In a nutshell, pooled testing allows up to 10 tests to be pooled together. So if 9 healthy people are pooled with 1 truly positive test, all 10 tests will give a positive result.
Just another Deep State way to control spikes as needed for political control.
They get to decide, which areas of the country are spiking, whenever they want by using more or less pooled testing.
this happened to my dad twice. Both times was in April of 2020 and they were 3 weeks apart. He needed a sleep study, was required to be tested. Tested positive. 3 days later they called him and said that his sample was removed from the batch and independently tested and came back negative. He proceeded with his sleep study. A few weeks later has to be tested again for back injections. Once again it was positive. 2 days later he received a call stating that (just like before) his sample was removed from the batch and independently tested and came back negative.
Fast forward to October 2020 and he tested negative but had all the symptoms. Even got him an emergency room visit due to not being able to breath. Tested negative and was sent home. 2 days later he goes back to the ER with worse symptoms and tests positive, but they sent him home because "he didn't meet the state regulated conditions for in patient care". He was super sick for weeks. still complains of a bad neck ache that didn't start until he got sick.
My son tested positive in April 2020, state health department asked how many were in the house and then said “so that’s six confirmed cases”. When I questioned, “How can you report six cases when one person was tested?”, he hung up. We’re in the NE. Everyone I know in the south who caught it was prescribed medicine and everyone I know in the north wasn’t. Interesting that they told your dad, he didn’t meet state regulated conditions. I believe depending on which state they wanted to surge, they refused medical care for people that were sick. Even for sinus infections or strep (two kids I know were refused medicine but continued to be tested). What a joke!
the first 2 positive tests were in Michigan. The hospital visit was in Tennessee (he goes there for the winter).
Yup! Hope they’re all held accountable!
And I'm guessing it was reported as two different positive covid cases.
most likely
And this is case in point why no one trusts our "doctors"/healthcare system.
There are good ones, and people who want to do what's right but now they're being silenced or paid even more money to conform.
When we go to the doctor, we should be required to see every kickback they received over the past 5 years. Would be a good way to stop some of that crap.
If they're not stopped they will start killing people with machine guns instead of "vaccines".
Flu like symptoms with a bad neck ache?
Did they test him for meningitis?
I do not think so. I don't think they even drew blood. They just monitored his vitals for a couple hours and did the covid test.
Good "doctoring" protocol there - don't test for anything other than the coof (it would seem most all other diseases were "cured"/eliminated by it).
Clown world sh-tshow
Sounds like they were only interested in coming up with a Kung Flu diagnosis and ignored all others possible causes for his symptoms.
Good "doctoring" protocol there - don't test for anything other than the coof (it would seem most all other diseases were "cured"/eliminated by it).
Clown world sh-tshow