I had a to say on this but its too much for one post so here are the bullet points.
yes, please do this so you canhelp tank the Ivy League for its wokeness
Maybe .1% of the kids raised in the hood will even pass the entrance exam...mostly women.
How did they get a persons address, school afiliation, political affiliation, and race...legally.
Businesses will still hire the best worker for the job in most cases. This may get people in the door, but a harder working person from a lesser college will still have the better career and make more money....and will owe less.
White Leftists, if you don’t follow this, you are hereby super-racists!!!
Remember, servile white shitizens of Woke-anda, white achievement is Jim Crow 3.0. Do the right/white thing now, and crush your mincing little transchild’s spirits now! Because equity!
What a load of sickening drivel. Hope the people responsible get taken to task.
that is all it is...
Top kek! 😂😂😂
I would send letter back with a big FUCK YOU written on it
I had a to say on this but its too much for one post so here are the bullet points.
Really i don't want to write what I am really thinking now get the bleep out of here. I'm done I have no words.
Have no idea how many times ive had to erase what ive wrote on here before i hit the save button lol
Well if that isn't illegal and racist then I don't know what is.
Oh, au contraire, best thing ever!
White Leftists, if you don’t follow this, you are hereby super-racists!!!
Remember, servile white shitizens of Woke-anda, white achievement is Jim Crow 3.0. Do the right/white thing now, and crush your mincing little transchild’s spirits now! Because equity!
Lmao whole other level of fuckin retarded right here. Lmao these things r pathetic. They damn sure are not people... Just things without knowledge
Fuckers!!!! How dare they???
Ivy League educations are Marxist indoctrination camps. If you want to make money right now, learn a trade.
Signed, College grad
Yea, I signed their email up with a bunch of Republican, nra, etc. newsletters.
Liberals have turned Dallas and Austin into shit holes