So watched this movie last night. Apparently a group of people meditating can summon UFOs. Has a ton of crazy UFO footage. Apparently these orbs are interdimensional bleeding through dimensions. Mediation to think on high levels is outside relm of Christianity and its more of Yoga, hindu or buddhism.
I really think what we are seeing is the summoning of demons into our relm. The one alien apparently heals the guys hearing but looks like demon.
This reminds me of dmt and people talking to beings outside our relm. Looks very familiar.
I don’t think Aliens and Demons are mutually exclusive
Not at all. Lucifer and the fallen ones were cast down from Heaven. Which is commonly believed to be beyond the sky/firmament, somewhere in the vastness of space. As for extradimensional? I dunno.
I’m not even going to comment on the firmament thing lol, but if you think Heaven is of this world and “somewhere in the vastness of space” you need to reevaluate
Reminds me of the Vril Society.
What a strange world we’ve lost. Everyone these days is addicted to their screens and don’t even pay attention to the world around them
Good read. Sounds so familiar. Summoning demons to get technology.
Read this report from the FBI dated 1947 - specifically page 22. Don't worry about the first few pages being inked out where you cannot read them, 22 is important and the sub paragraphs.
Someone forget the link?
Ahhh that'll be me then - 2 secs kek.
Link added, sorry bout dat!
Much appreciated! Interesting read, expanded my thinking
Yes it's fascinating if true, and makes more sense if it is connected to frequency and how it's used. Many have made similar connections, often in multiple person sightings individuals quite often see a different shape when reporting on the same craft.
I once had a wild conversation at a coffeeshop with an aerospace plasma engineer/professor down the street from a big university. And he was talking about how he believes in most of the Ancient Aliens stuff and told me that the mainstream view on plasma, light frequencies, and energy is all wrong
Thanks. It's hard to believe in advanced technologies when the FBI can't even make a decent copy of a document. We really do take our current technology for granted.
You are right on the money.
Yep. Abductions arent very fun.
Good stuff, see also:
Thx. Reading
"Joe’s current ministry sees him counselling many experiencers with the aim of leading them to Christ. To date, he has worked with over 400 people who have had their ‘abduction’ episodes halted in the name of Christ (some of them don’t want to be identified)."
Yep sounds to me demonic possessions to me.
Totally demons
The devil and demons are extremely powerful (obviously not as powerful as our Almighty God!) and they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. It is my belief as well that UFOs and "aliens" are demons playing tricks on us to make people doubt that God exists. Basically all the people I've seen that believe aliens exist also believe "it must be so because we can't be alone in this huge universe! And if we're not alone, then God and Jesus must be fake too! Because why would He focus on us when there's other beings out there? We're not special!" Along those lines. Any way that the devil can trick humans into not believing in God is a win for him, no matter how convoluted the trick.
Yes. Demons tricking plebs.
This is correct. Read the Hypostasis of the Archons.
So good and bad messengers move through dimensions. Zechariah chapter 1 vs 11
And they answered the angel of the LORD that stood among the myrtle trees, and said, We have walked to and fro through the earth, and, behold, all the earth sitteth still, and is at rest.
Or. 'Whirl" "move" (instead of walked), patrolling,
UFO's and "alien sittings" are demonic activity. This booklet/article lays out the facts.
Childhood's End -- Arthur C. Clark
Bible calls them devil spirits.
Buddhism is to free from Suffering via Morality, Charity, Mental Purification, anyone who depicts otherwise is not Buddhist. There are false teachers of Buddhism, many.
In the Teachings of Buddha there are 31 Planes of Existence, Humans are in the middle, Happy Realm, below the Six Classes of Heaven ( above which are 20 Brahma Planes), we get here by Loving Compassion, non killing, By Contentment sharing, not stealing, by Faithful Fidelity, not sexual misconduct, by Truthfulness, not false speech, by Sanity, Sobriety, non intoxicated. These are called the Five Human Dharmas (Laws for Humanity), or Five Moral Precepts, they are the backbone of the civil codes in any civilized society. If we abandon these virtues we can fall to the Hell, Demon, Hungry Ghost or Animal Realms, the Four Planes of Woe. We are now seeing Hell on Earth because people have abandoned morality.
I have encountered these alien beings, they are not good, they are non- benevolent, they belong to the demon realm, they are Not Human.
aliens are aliens, demons are demons.
this sounds obvious, but some people insist on confusing them.
100 percent