I remember when that garbage came out and every libtard I knew was like “stunning, brave and fun”. I didn’t EVEN think trannys were stunning. More like they needed a stun-gun. Utter trash.
Not so funny when it is about you and if you believe (as reddit mod you not) it is important.Not so funny at all...
Imagine that in reality not in the film some Scotts probably shitted themselves when the horsemens were really near. Rather not because of being happy.
Yea, if the plan was to let the people handle it then this whole “plan” is fucking retarded. We could have had the people and half of the military on our side if Trump had asked. Sure it would have been ugly but it’s a whole lot better than just having the people while watching people like my brothers be forced to get the jab.
I remember saying several months ago that the plan didn't make any sense since it contradicted itself.
"Your families are safe."
"Enjoy the show."
"The military is the only way."
Then the narrative after Biden took office shifted to it being up to we the people. Which is it? Is the victory a sealed deal with the white hats or do we have to do everything now? If the plan has failed and now we have to take matters into our own hands it would be real damn nice if Q or Mike Lindell or Flynn would just admit it. As it is right now it feels as if we're just continously being strung along with false hope.
I’m confident someone would have communicated to us if the plan failed. As of now, I’m still confident we have already won and we need to let it play out.
I'm holding out on some kind of hope but I definitely do not believe we've already won. Not by a long shot. If it was over people still wouldn't be getting murdered by experimental drugs and being put through endless lockdowns.
If people are dying then it most definitely is NOT a movie. The point of saying it was a movie is that it was not really happening. It was for show. These deaths are real.
Who is dying though? It’s the liberals, the unintelligent, and the conformists. None of those will be helpful in bringing this country forward in the next 2-3 Trump administrations. They’re the types to actively participate in or encourage both voter fraud and the removal of our rights. So yes there are deaths, but not of patriots, and certainly of nobody that will be missed.
That's 100% wrong. Not everyone who takes the death VAX is an unintelligent liberal and conformist. Most are simply normal people who are not yet awakened. That doesn't mean they deserve a death sentence. Anyone thinking that is heartless. These aren't strangers. These aren't our enemies. These are Americans. These are our families. They are our sons and daughters. Our fathers and mothers. They are going to be murdered, and I don't care that they don't know any better. They don't deserve it.
Then telling people not to play their part as the storm is not a good strategy. You need people in the streets fighting, not sitting and keeping their heads down because they're told all day every day on this forum that we shouldn't do anything except "get involved in local politics and vote lolol as if voting means anything lolol"
In all honesty I feel like we are already playing out the majority of plots in Idiocracy, The Matrix, Minority Report, Pleasantville (awakening), I am Legend (possibly), etc... If only the true majority would step up and take the roles in Bug's Life.
Q: "I see you shiver with antici...."
Am I the only person on the planet that's never seen Rocky Horror?
I remember when that garbage came out and every libtard I knew was like “stunning, brave and fun”. I didn’t EVEN think trannys were stunning. More like they needed a stun-gun. Utter trash.
I haven't. But one thing to remember is there are whatever billion people on this planet. You're not the only one to ever anything. 😂
No and it sucked
Well - not. After reading scenario I guess it might be some redpill or something...
I always appreciated Rocky....and Bullwinkle myself... 😁
Not so funny when it is about you and if you believe (as reddit mod you not) it is important.Not so funny at all...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDVuQi4gdtk Imagine that in reality not in the film some Scotts probably shitted themselves when the horsemens were really near. Rather not because of being happy.
Yea, if the plan was to let the people handle it then this whole “plan” is fucking retarded. We could have had the people and half of the military on our side if Trump had asked. Sure it would have been ugly but it’s a whole lot better than just having the people while watching people like my brothers be forced to get the jab.
I remember saying several months ago that the plan didn't make any sense since it contradicted itself.
"Your families are safe." "Enjoy the show." "The military is the only way."
Then the narrative after Biden took office shifted to it being up to we the people. Which is it? Is the victory a sealed deal with the white hats or do we have to do everything now? If the plan has failed and now we have to take matters into our own hands it would be real damn nice if Q or Mike Lindell or Flynn would just admit it. As it is right now it feels as if we're just continously being strung along with false hope.
I’m confident someone would have communicated to us if the plan failed. As of now, I’m still confident we have already won and we need to let it play out.
I'm holding out on some kind of hope but I definitely do not believe we've already won. Not by a long shot. If it was over people still wouldn't be getting murdered by experimental drugs and being put through endless lockdowns.
Nobody is being forced to get an experimental injection.
Tell that to the military
Rocky Horror was humorous as a teenager back in the days when transvestites were "funny". Now it is disgusting. They have literally ruined EVERYTHING.
So I brought this bag of toast for nothing?
This isn’t like most movies. Most movies aren’t playing out in real life. Welcome to a real world movie set where everyone plays a part.
If people are dying then it most definitely is NOT a movie. The point of saying it was a movie is that it was not really happening. It was for show. These deaths are real.
Who is dying though? It’s the liberals, the unintelligent, and the conformists. None of those will be helpful in bringing this country forward in the next 2-3 Trump administrations. They’re the types to actively participate in or encourage both voter fraud and the removal of our rights. So yes there are deaths, but not of patriots, and certainly of nobody that will be missed.
That's 100% wrong. Not everyone who takes the death VAX is an unintelligent liberal and conformist. Most are simply normal people who are not yet awakened. That doesn't mean they deserve a death sentence. Anyone thinking that is heartless. These aren't strangers. These aren't our enemies. These are Americans. These are our families. They are our sons and daughters. Our fathers and mothers. They are going to be murdered, and I don't care that they don't know any better. They don't deserve it.
Then telling people not to play their part as the storm is not a good strategy. You need people in the streets fighting, not sitting and keeping their heads down because they're told all day every day on this forum that we shouldn't do anything except "get involved in local politics and vote lolol as if voting means anything lolol"
In all honesty I feel like we are already playing out the majority of plots in Idiocracy, The Matrix, Minority Report, Pleasantville (awakening), I am Legend (possibly), etc... If only the true majority would step up and take the roles in Bug's Life.