Yeah he's a jerk, seems he speeded this shit wide around the network, not good for out image, hope Mike takes some actions against him, i think he should be able to sue him or something
Adam Parkhomenko
Dem Strategist & Consultant, Dad. Ukrainian-American. Whatever order, son Cameron's my life. Senior Advisor,
among many other things.
McLean, October 22Joined December 2008
Who is the jerk who kept talking after Mke said politely that he was busy and on national tv? yet there he stood kept on talking - RUDE DUDE
Yeah he's a jerk, seems he speeded this shit wide around the network, not good for out image, hope Mike takes some actions against him, i think he should be able to sue him or something
Oh like you're trying to do here?
This is who it is...a libtard...
Adam Parkhomenko @AdamParkhomenko Dem Strategist & Consultant, Dad. Ukrainian-American. Whatever order, son Cameron's my life. Senior Advisor, @KShivs20 , @MeidasTouch among many other things. McLean, October 22Joined December 2008
Thus a jerk - what can we do to stop him?
Nothing....consider the source and move on....
There is that Ukraine again.
Apparently it's Adam Parkhomo.