I hear ya. I retired from AD in 2017 and can’t even imagine what everyone is going through (guard, reserve, AD). Just remember you still have rights even though it might not seem like it sometimes. If they try to force you contact Area Defense Council and if that doesn’t work there are lots of resources out there that are experts in the UCMJ.
I just looked at the article. It applies to AD (Title 10 -Federal status). So far it doesn’t apply to anyone on Title 32-Reserve status. At this point as long as you don’t go on Title 10 you are good until they can un’F this situation.
Thank you. I dont think they are going to work. I'm a reservist. My consequences are far less than those on the active side.
I hear ya. I retired from AD in 2017 and can’t even imagine what everyone is going through (guard, reserve, AD). Just remember you still have rights even though it might not seem like it sometimes. If they try to force you contact Area Defense Council and if that doesn’t work there are lots of resources out there that are experts in the UCMJ.
I just looked at the article. It applies to AD (Title 10 -Federal status). So far it doesn’t apply to anyone on Title 32-Reserve status. At this point as long as you don’t go on Title 10 you are good until they can un’F this situation.
I'm putting in for IRR this weekend. If that doesn't work, im just going to stop showing up and take my discharge.
Not the right thing to do.
The right thing to do is say "I will not take the vaccine" until they choose to discharge you.
The moment I tell them no is the moment I get a dishonorable, whether it be right or wrong. It's a shit situation either way.
Show them what it really means to defend the constitution, maybe then those fucking cowards will do a double take and change thier mind.
And then what? Half or more of our military are unable to serve or die off within a year?
I don't see how this could be any part of a Q plan unless it truly doesn't happen and is just a scare tactic. I dunno.