Short hedge funds profited on insider trading knowledge because they knew the relevant companies would be experiencing share price drops. Whether the official story is true or made up, it was absolutely an inside job and we have public proof wall street was working with whoever planned it.
People often forget there's no suggestion of "insinuation" required, the 911 commission chair and vice chair resigned under protest having said they were criminally lied to and obstructed by just about every federal agency they tried to gather evidence from.
Great Reset = Luciferian / Bad Guys "new" system (Beast System/NWO/Mark of the Beast required to participate)
NASARA/GESARA = Good Guys / Patriots "freedom" system. Real money (Gold/Silver/Real Assets by country) 1:1 exchange rates, no more "compounding" interest, no IRS/FED/IMF/WB...etc.)
Is he insinuating it was an inside job or just loosely referring to the general secrecy around the event?
Short hedge funds profited on insider trading knowledge because they knew the relevant companies would be experiencing share price drops. Whether the official story is true or made up, it was absolutely an inside job and we have public proof wall street was working with whoever planned it.
I just realized what your username was. My brief time on reddit has cursed me
It was a bad choice. I wanted one of those disgusting names like ScabSalad and so on, but this one is just too gross
Look at the Building’s owner and his Insurance fraud.
People often forget there's no suggestion of "insinuation" required, the 911 commission chair and vice chair resigned under protest having said they were criminally lied to and obstructed by just about every federal agency they tried to gather evidence from.
Hang on … you’re saying the Supreme Justices actually passed this? Seems out of character.
How is NESARA not just the great reset reframed?
Great Reset = Luciferian / Bad Guys "new" system (Beast System/NWO/Mark of the Beast required to participate)
NASARA/GESARA = Good Guys / Patriots "freedom" system. Real money (Gold/Silver/Real Assets by country) 1:1 exchange rates, no more "compounding" interest, no IRS/FED/IMF/WB...etc.)
The guys who push that kind of stuff like Charlie Ward never seemed trustworthy to me.
Wait, they want to get rid of compounding interest? How will our retirement plans work? Has Trump voiced support for this?
^^^ THIS ^^^
And 4-10-20 is here to bring it back... to free humanity from the ROOT of our slave system - central banks controlled by Luciferians.
And the luciferians celebrated after the event!!