Shame This Will Never Happen
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FAUXI is responsible for 'AIDS' and its supposed lack of cures. This Mengele-level cunt has been at his shit for decades.
It makes more sense when you realize Paperclip was much larger than they said, Rockefeller captured medicine in the US and then the entire West & also was literally recruiting Nazis at the Nüremberg Trial for work in medicine within the US.
The most fucked up thing off all? The US / FBI / OSS / CIA actively extradited Mengele into Chile where he was given Carte Blanche to continue his nightmarish research.
It all makes much more sense when you realize the Deep State is quite literally the 4th Reich
Why does justice never take? Why are some prosecuted but not others? Because it’s all a total fucking bullshit lie and the US has been captured by the Nazi New World Order since 1963 when they were forced to kill JFK openly and test just how much they could gaslight the US Citizens and The World.
Sick Dick Cheney ran 9/11, was an avid Nazi, and blatantly discussed how 9/11 was “just another Day at the Office”. Look into how many times GWB signed over full Presidential Authority to Cheney. GWBs entire term was Cheney running the show for the Deep State. Now his demonic spawn Liz Cheney is doing everything she can to claw “control” of the RNC back which was our only ever chance of making inroads against these Nazis.
Fauci is an Executioner. Their dream of a Blood type bioweapon. What they want is RH+ people and people of color sterilized and the remainder of them knocked down many legs medically, intellectually, and monetarily to be a perpetual subservient working class.
They know what they are doing.
Great post 👍🏽