480 MUST WATCH: GRAPHENE OXIDE IN VACCINE CAN BE NEUTRALIZED WITH GLUTATHIONE. Prob one of the most important videos I've seen. Explains A LOT!! Someone on this forum shared and I cant locate for credit, but thanks to them!! (www.bitchute.com) posted 3 years ago by magachudd 3 years ago by magachudd +480 / -0 135 comments share 135 comments share save hide report block hide replies
About 500-600 mg daily is probably fine for most. More might be needed for heavy drinkers, drug users, smokers, people in high pollution areas.
NAC is a precursor to the most powerful antioxidant in the body: glutathione.
People who die from lung inflammation (cytokines storm) that correlates with flus/covids tend to have low levels of glutathione.
As with everything including food, it’s probably a good idea to skip it for a while from time to time.
As always, is best to get your “supplements” from food itself. NAC is just the synthetic supplement form of the amino acid cysteine.
NAC in stock here.
The studies I read specified 90g effervescent tablets once per day.
Thanks fren.... both resources are terrific
What do you make of this study: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070809130022.htm ?