Many think the 2 witnesses in Revelation are Elijah and Moses, but we know from the Word that "it is given to a man t die but once, then judgement" Since we know Moses died, I think Enoch is the other witness...
History repeats itself. Look around and you are seeing some of the things Noah witnessed just before the flood. It is not jus the rampant sin and debauchery that is concerning. We are embarking on changing the genetic code and destroying the bloodlines of humans and animals. The mysterious Nephilim, who were the product of illicit relations between evil fallen angels and human women in the time before the Flood and Noah’s Ark. Today we have our medical established that are using babies harvested from the womb to do all sorts of horrible experiments. The goal is create as close to immortal beings as possible. These people are Godless and brutal. They delight in their wickedness.
“They delight the king with their wickedness, the princes with their lies. You are in a spiritual battle whether you are awake or not. Once before The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. Sound familiar?
I watched the Dr. Zelenko video yesterday. I now realize the Exodus from Egypt was based on the Conspiracy Theory that God was using Moses and Aaron to free Israel. It wasn't 'til the 10th plague that Pharaoh let God's people go. Dr. Zelenko said only 10% of Israel was able to embrace the idea of freedom and flee bondage. We only have approx. 1/2 of USA fighting for audits, and who knows how many of those are ready to embrace a new Matrix and true liberty.
Rain had never happened before the flood. No thunder or lightning either. So how do you think the people left off the boat felt when water started coming from the sky, scary “thunders” started up and lightning flashing across the sky? They probably started clawing at the Ark, knowing now that Noah was right. God has a plan for all things.
I tried to watch Exodus Gods and Kings last night. That was a BIG mistake. They tried to take one of the most famous Bible stories ever and make it agnostic. They had Moses hitting his head and having a dream about God as a little kid playing with dice. Then they had his wife denounce God because he was leaving to free the Hebrews from Egypt. THEN when he got to Egypt he started training them to use weapons. At this point I had to turn it off. I should have new better than to watch this trash.
Whatever you do... DO NOT watch the Noah film with Russell Crowe. They turn the entire story into a Lord of the Rings style battle over the ark, with the Nephilim being represented by giant rock monsters.
Incest is a only a problem today, since the DNA molecule is corrupted. But Noah was found "perfect in his generations." Noah's DNA was pure, therefore inbreeding wouldn't have encountered the same problems that it does today. The same applied to Adam and Eve. When you start with only a few adults, inbreeding is necessary.
I just visited the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, the MASSIVE BOAT would have surely held Noah’s family as well as the animals. It was made to keep them alive, not to float around for pleasure. It took him 50-100 years just to build it! I highly recommend you do more research on the subject, it’s actually pretty different than what most people are taught.
85 feet from side to side, 510 feet from beginning to end, and 51 feet tall.
They definitely could have survived the rain safe inside.
Do some research. Prior to 1856, it was common knowledge and the location of the ark was known. Guess what happened? Darwin’s theory of evolution and censorship.
When you read scripture remember it isn’t every animal. For example every dog didn’t get on the ark, only 2 did and all breeds come from those 2. No insects or animals that live in the water. Probably with Noah being so smart they chose to take babies to reduce the size of the animals. Tons of room on the Ark.
There are videos on YouTube you can search for that prove the location of the ark.
Have some fun, look up giant skeletons on the internet. Lots of stuff in history seems made up. Homers story of the Odyssey and Illiad were considered complete fabrications, until they found the ruins of the city of Troy on the coast of Turkey. Now they are having to reassess what was true and what was false. No one knows for certain. We really don't know as much as we think we do. Anything is possible, some things are just more improbable than others. Keep an open mind, do not believe without proof but do not deny without proof.
Here comes the rain again Falling on my head like a memory, Falling on my head like a new emotion
Enoch, great grandfather of Noah, only biblical figure that God took to the heavens before he could die on Earth.
Wasn't the prophet Elijah taken up in a whirlwind?
Ah yes yes yes my bad, Enoch and Elijah were the only two, thank you
Many think the 2 witnesses in Revelation are Elijah and Moses, but we know from the Word that "it is given to a man t die but once, then judgement" Since we know Moses died, I think Enoch is the other witness...
Very plausible to think so.
History repeats itself. Look around and you are seeing some of the things Noah witnessed just before the flood. It is not jus the rampant sin and debauchery that is concerning. We are embarking on changing the genetic code and destroying the bloodlines of humans and animals. The mysterious Nephilim, who were the product of illicit relations between evil fallen angels and human women in the time before the Flood and Noah’s Ark. Today we have our medical established that are using babies harvested from the womb to do all sorts of horrible experiments. The goal is create as close to immortal beings as possible. These people are Godless and brutal. They delight in their wickedness.
“They delight the king with their wickedness, the princes with their lies. You are in a spiritual battle whether you are awake or not. Once before The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. Sound familiar?
And you know the father of lies isn't even hiding among us anymore, he is blatantly right in our face but he knows his time grows short.
I watched the Dr. Zelenko video yesterday. I now realize the Exodus from Egypt was based on the Conspiracy Theory that God was using Moses and Aaron to free Israel. It wasn't 'til the 10th plague that Pharaoh let God's people go. Dr. Zelenko said only 10% of Israel was able to embrace the idea of freedom and flee bondage. We only have approx. 1/2 of USA fighting for audits, and who knows how many of those are ready to embrace a new Matrix and true liberty.
Rain had never happened before the flood. No thunder or lightning either. So how do you think the people left off the boat felt when water started coming from the sky, scary “thunders” started up and lightning flashing across the sky? They probably started clawing at the Ark, knowing now that Noah was right. God has a plan for all things.
That giant hand saw though. I want one.
Thanks for this!!!!!
I love this
I tried to watch Exodus Gods and Kings last night. That was a BIG mistake. They tried to take one of the most famous Bible stories ever and make it agnostic. They had Moses hitting his head and having a dream about God as a little kid playing with dice. Then they had his wife denounce God because he was leaving to free the Hebrews from Egypt. THEN when he got to Egypt he started training them to use weapons. At this point I had to turn it off. I should have new better than to watch this trash.
TV is owned by the sons of antichrist.
Whatever you do... DO NOT watch the Noah film with Russell Crowe. They turn the entire story into a Lord of the Rings style battle over the ark, with the Nephilim being represented by giant rock monsters.
The OG Tin Foil Hat Award goes to...NOAH!
Yeah It took 100 years for the rain to come, so most of those people he was preaching to never saw it happen
You are aware that people lived well into the hundreds during that time yes?
Yes but those who were in their 80’s didn’t see it happen - but I guess they were the lucky ones that didn’t drown to death. KEK!
The torah wasn't based on a base 10 standard back then.
True dat
Hell Ya Noah. Now let the fire fall!
Not true. Noah had three sons and they all had wives. Shen, Ham and Japheth. From which the spread of nations occurred to this day.
Incest is a only a problem today, since the DNA molecule is corrupted. But Noah was found "perfect in his generations." Noah's DNA was pure, therefore inbreeding wouldn't have encountered the same problems that it does today. The same applied to Adam and Eve. When you start with only a few adults, inbreeding is necessary.
I just visited the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, the MASSIVE BOAT would have surely held Noah’s family as well as the animals. It was made to keep them alive, not to float around for pleasure. It took him 50-100 years just to build it! I highly recommend you do more research on the subject, it’s actually pretty different than what most people are taught.
85 feet from side to side, 510 feet from beginning to end, and 51 feet tall. They definitely could have survived the rain safe inside.
51 = 17 x 3. 510 = 17 x 30. 85= 17 x 5. Definitely a coincidence 😂
Believing everything in the bible is factual, weakens your credibility...
Glad to see we have some heathens here. God will take care of you in the end (:
Are you sure you're a Christian when you use it as a cudgel? That's ego, not faith.
Do some research. Prior to 1856, it was common knowledge and the location of the ark was known. Guess what happened? Darwin’s theory of evolution and censorship. When you read scripture remember it isn’t every animal. For example every dog didn’t get on the ark, only 2 did and all breeds come from those 2. No insects or animals that live in the water. Probably with Noah being so smart they chose to take babies to reduce the size of the animals. Tons of room on the Ark. There are videos on YouTube you can search for that prove the location of the ark.
Lol. Yeah, a “story” that exists in every major origin book from all the main civilizations.
Maybe, juuuuust maybe, it happened.
Have some fun, look up giant skeletons on the internet. Lots of stuff in history seems made up. Homers story of the Odyssey and Illiad were considered complete fabrications, until they found the ruins of the city of Troy on the coast of Turkey. Now they are having to reassess what was true and what was false. No one knows for certain. We really don't know as much as we think we do. Anything is possible, some things are just more improbable than others. Keep an open mind, do not believe without proof but do not deny without proof.