posted ago by CharlieChuckles ago by CharlieChuckles +25 / -0

This is the big issue going forward for true patriots. Many of us have comfortable lives, our own businesses, or have good jobs/families to support. However, as we all can see the tides changing, if we don’t do something, none of that will even matter in 10 years or so. I am considering running at the local level, but I am the bread winner. If I cannot, I will try and convince my wife to get active in local politics. I don’t care a patriot is dumb as a rock, I would vote for an individual that frankly states that the don’t know shit about politics, but they are loyal to their community and their country. We don’t need a million smart people, we need loyal people. First step first though, we have to ensure no election is ever rigged again. Problem A must be addressed and solved before tackling problem B.