CharlieChuckles 1 point ago +1 / -0

75 is reference to his age, FYI. Definitely sounded like he said “Iraq too”.

CharlieChuckles 5 points ago +5 / -0

Two things. One, I was diagnosed with MS late last year at 36. I will soon be taking IVM every day in conjunction with my traditional MS medicine. If my one year MRI shows less scarring(improvement), then I think the IVM will be the cause of that because traditional MS medicines don’t heal, but only prevent future scarring.

Two…. My 8 year old daughter had chronic eczema on the back of her hands last winter for a few months. It was pretty painful for her, especially to get her hands wet. I crushed up two ivermectin tablets, dropped a little water on them to make a paste like substance. Then I rubbed it on the back of her hands and left it overnight. The next morning, it was gone and hasn’t returned. We were both amazed. I didn’t think it would really work, but by golly it did. She was so happy

CharlieChuckles 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pretty sure Trump asked for everyone’s advice on everything, then made his own decisions after weighing all the information he’d gathered.

CharlieChuckles 5 points ago +5 / -0

it’s a nice start. Utilization and borrowing rates starting to mimic the previous run up. I DRS’d about 75% of my shares. I think it is starting to have an impact. At some point, they run out of ways to kick the can and hide the shorts.

CharlieChuckles 7 points ago +7 / -0

Right there with you. My personal anecdotal experience. My mom had cancer, doing ok during Chemo and had been living with it for four years. Took Vax, then boom..... rapid deterioration and dead two weeks later. My father took vax this December, two months later blood clotting and triple bypass necessary. He’s doing ok now. Anecdotal, yes. Enough to deter me from taking Vax absolutely. Is it reasonable to ask questions as to the safety of the Vaccines? Well it damn well should be. I’m not alone with these coincidences.

CharlieChuckles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not a military strategist. Well no shit Sherlock!!

CharlieChuckles 19 points ago +19 / -0

He doesn’t realize, if this comes true, he’s not going to look like Nostradamus to the people. He’s just going to look guilty.

CharlieChuckles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just wish I had access to buy blockbuster still so when it periodically goes up 6,000% in one day I could become a millionaire. Cellar boxing bastards.

CharlieChuckles 9 points ago +9 / -0

Apple user. Still trying to get on. Open the floodgates!

CharlieChuckles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it’s just good marketing? Like when an empty nightclub has a long line out the door on purpose to make everyone passing by think it’s the place to be. Im just waiting in line to see what’s inside. Hopefully it’s not a sausage fest.

CharlieChuckles 10 points ago +10 / -0

That’s the exact same amount that I own.

CharlieChuckles 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is all so bizarre and hard to reconcile. As a CPA, my brain doesn’t comprehend the value of Bitcoin/crypto outside of simple supply and demand. There are no revenue generating assets derived from ownership in the coin. The value must be derived from the belief that it’s decentralized nature and security shield it from governmental purview and seizure. That in itself does have value, but how can one monetize that value? I mean, the stock market is completely rigged, so perhaps pretending that the perceived value of a stock is real is foolish for me to believe as well. Still, it’s undeniable that major financial institutions/Other entities are manipulating and controlling the price of the coins. But, the enemy of my enemy are my friends. If I have learned anything over the last few years, it’s to be open in questioning your own beliefs. We shall see.

CharlieChuckles 4 points ago +4 / -0

In my opinion, they can continue the crime indefinitely until a few things happen (not all necessary, but at least one)

  1. A market crash which would force the short hedge funds to be margin called.

  2. 100% of the float is direct registered with Computershare (GME’s transfer agent). For what it’s worth, GME started disclosing directly registered shares in their Q3 2021 report for the first time ever, so they are clearly monitoring and tracking this move by retail investors.

  3. A non-cash dividend is declared. It is then up to the Brokers to deliver the non-cash dividend. Let’s say the dividend is in the form of an NFT (non-fungible token). GameStop issues 70 million of these tokens. Well, if a billion shares are owned and held by investors, the brokers cannot deliver the dividend to all stockholders. This would give GameStop the opportunity to “call in” all shares, thus forcing the beginning of the shorts to cover.

Outside of that, I am not a gamer at all, but as a CPA I have really been impressed with the direction and financial turnaround of the company. They paid off all their debt by raising capital when the stock was at $250 they issued about 5 million shares. They have poached about 75 top executives/upper management from Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and many other Fortune 500 companies. The only way the shorts can win is if GameStop goes bankrupt and you can’t go bankrupt if you don’t have any debt. They are no longer just a brick and mortar store and soon that will become apparent to the masses.

CharlieChuckles 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just did a extensive food allergy test and my Candida Albican level was high. My natural health doctor just gave me a dosage of probiotics and grapefruit extract. I’m a healthy guy, athletic, but was just diagnosed with MS, which is why I wanted to focus on the things I put in my body. Do you have any research on Candida Albican you could link me too? Thank you

CharlieChuckles 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not that I trust the fiat, because I don’t..... But as we move forward, any currency you can’t physically hold seems like a real risk. And if you watch the wild swings in Crypto in conjunction with the stock market, it becomes clear the same players control both. That’s my opinion, I do understand the appeal though.

CharlieChuckles 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don’t think CS is the transfer agent for DWAC, so wouldn’t be able to direct register with computershare.

CharlieChuckles 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Crypto is the Wild West of investing. Unregulated for the most part, so of course major financial institutions can manipulate price with even less oversight. I believe they are allowed 100:1 leverage on Crypto, so I personally expect upcoming crash greater than even the Stock Market will see. Just my opinion....

CharlieChuckles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, this is the line that made me think I’d dip my toes and buy a few. Now I own a lot of these babies!

CharlieChuckles 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve thought this same thing, but you describe it so eloquently. It’s infuriating

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