posted ago by magamania45 ago by magamania45 +62 / -0

I am the only Christian in my family and i never thought the day would come when i would be asked to make a choice between God and my sister, quite like i was today. My sister is one of the smartest and greatest people i have ever known. We have always kept politics and religion out of discussions out of respect for each other. My sister has done everything for me and during all these years, she remained single. She finally met her mate later in life and after many years, she is getting married. When she asked if she could fly me and my mother up for the wedding, the first thing I said was if they require vaccinations, i won't be able to go. She assured me that airlines weren't requiring that and it wasn't an issue. Today, she wrote me a long loving email asking if i would reconsider getting the vaccination for the wedding, as she has some immune-compromised friends who are invited and she doesn't want to have to make a choice, and she really wants to have me and my mother there. This whole thing is absolutely riddled with insanity. There are so many holes in this, i don't even know where to begin. She is completely brain washed and somehow, this is all on me now. All i could do was tell her that basically, i love her and owe so much to her, but this is the one thing that goes against my convictions and God. I ended it with, " I will never get this vaccination". Am I in some revelations nightmare? Please wake me up.