If millions of illegals continue flooding our country and millions are granted amnesty or citizenship, how in the fuck does this get reversed in the future? Let's say the plan works, yada yada, what about these millions? Some things will be difficult to reverse, even if it was in the name of good intentions to wake people.
Trump also has previously talked about removing citizenship of anchor babies. Even though the media says it's unconstitutional, it's clear that Trump has a very reasonable case to anyone who reads the constitution themselves. I think he'll do it, once he gets back. I expect many thousands of dual-country-citizens will end up without their U.S. anchor. The issue is that the constitution says born in the US and subject to its laws, meaning that people born here but who quickly left to go back to China or other countries were never subject to US law in the first place and in fact never lived as if they were citizens, and so do not qualify. Illegals who have been working here actually subject to US law have a better (ethically, ideologically) claim, even though it's still universally acknowledged that they aren't citizens.
No jobs they won't come or will go home. In the mid-70's in Texas they would pack em in a bus ship em back....
Rich people want cheap labor, but you can increase the penalties to make illegals less attractive hires. Here in Orlando the illegals are mostly productive and work hard, meanwhile American youth are often lazy and demanding...
Remember, past presidents except Reagan were controlled opposition who were lenient on deportation. Though Reagan did sign a one-time amnesty bill he was otherwise strict. But the two Bushes were half-assed about it. We've never seen a truly strict deportation initiative, but it's an option the military could use to fix all this.
If millions of illegals continue flooding our country and millions are granted amnesty or citizenship, how in the fuck does this get reversed in the future? Let's say the plan works, yada yada, what about these millions? Some things will be difficult to reverse, even if it was in the name of good intentions to wake people.
What do you all think?
Devolution will invalidate all acts of an illegitimate congress and president. A list of new applicants or new citizens is just a record lookup.
Trump also has previously talked about removing citizenship of anchor babies. Even though the media says it's unconstitutional, it's clear that Trump has a very reasonable case to anyone who reads the constitution themselves. I think he'll do it, once he gets back. I expect many thousands of dual-country-citizens will end up without their U.S. anchor. The issue is that the constitution says born in the US and subject to its laws, meaning that people born here but who quickly left to go back to China or other countries were never subject to US law in the first place and in fact never lived as if they were citizens, and so do not qualify. Illegals who have been working here actually subject to US law have a better (ethically, ideologically) claim, even though it's still universally acknowledged that they aren't citizens.
No jobs they won't come or will go home. In the mid-70's in Texas they would pack em in a bus ship em back....
Rich people want cheap labor, but you can increase the penalties to make illegals less attractive hires. Here in Orlando the illegals are mostly productive and work hard, meanwhile American youth are often lazy and demanding...
"Lazy and demanding". The word you're looking for is SPOILT.
indeed, collected pop bottles at 8, mowed yards at 12, worked and supported myself at 14...
Our morals and ethics have entered the event horizon...
Remember, past presidents except Reagan were controlled opposition who were lenient on deportation. Though Reagan did sign a one-time amnesty bill he was otherwise strict. But the two Bushes were half-assed about it. We've never seen a truly strict deportation initiative, but it's an option the military could use to fix all this.
Eisenhower rounded them up and sent them all home.
I like Ike
Exactly what I've been wondering