Just like cockroaches, for every shill you see, there's thousands more you don't. But your mod team sees 'em. Some of these diseased shills are DIRECTLY demon-possessed. They want YOU and our patriotic cause back under their evil control. CONDITION ORANGE! Thank you, patriots! WWG1WGA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Thanks to our patriot mods for shielding us from the worst of it!
Hate to say this but we need to pray for these people they get unbrainwashed.
Holding mainstream media accountable.
Remember ...
They move in groups of 8.
1 tries to get a foot in the door. If you allow it - they will Hold that door open for the other 8.
I've actually prayed @ these folks and they run off.
This isn't some matter of people on a forum. There is someone on the other side that is afflicted by allowing dark forces to possess them instead of The Holy Ghost.
Lord Jesus Christ Be Praised. Case these demons out and fortify us against these forces.
Remind us that as we stare into the Abyss that Abyss also stares back into us - and we can not fortify against these forces without calling on Our Father to cast out this darkness and shield us from it's teeth.
Someone posted a little prayer they say when confronted with evil. My plan was to cut and paste as a response to them. Maybe I'll start doing it.
When I face those from above - you are with me.
When I face those from below - you are also with me.
This is a simple prayer.
Spiritual Warfare is omnipresent. No matter what we face - it is born through this paradigm.
Every Negative Thought is not from your own mind. It is a liar from The Fallen speaking to you, in your mind, and trying to trick you into thinking this false negative thought is your own voice.
Every Positive Thought Born In Love & Honesty is divine & In His Image.
It’s that simple. When they creep in - see them - stop & be still - then call on Him. Asking Him for help is not weak. He made us this way. He LOVES you and WANTS us to come to Him.
Try it on. Pray & ask for help in digs. Pray & ask for providence in all ways.
Trust me I am learning to do this. I am a baby Christian.
Would you please share it. I have encountered people face to face that you could literally feel the presence of pure evil and the way. They look directly at you is like they know if you belong to God and they can’t touch you and it’s a total hatred look.
Amen and we can bind, rebuke and cast them out in Jesus name when we have faith as well as address them and command them to get behind us and be silent in Jesus name and command them to loose the affllcted in Jesus name
I don’t think sending positive vibes to the moderators for doing a good job is a sign of pussification.
There is zero value from that user. Criticism and doubt are fine, but that filth is not nor should ever be tolerated.
If you want to waste your time on people like that, hop your ass over to reddit.
If I were to get banned, and was able to argue my case afterwards, I would do so with love in my heart. As Jesus would expect of me. As we should do in all situations. I’m sure I’d be sad, a bit upset, but understand these mods have a job to do. I know they are doing the best that they can. Now I wouldn’t have called that fella demonic, but to reply back to a mod like that, as what appears to his last words here, he chose his words...poorly.
These place is a place of help and information. A place of hope. We all want God’s good graces all over this place. Our fellow brother there didn’t need to be here. I’m sure he will find another forum to express their views. Or not? Thank you mods. The hammer is heavy I’m sure. But someone has to do it. 🙏👍
We unban from those messages all the time. One user we gave a 1-day vacation to wrote the mods, saying, basically, "Yeah, I can see where that ban was warranted. I'll see you tomorrow." Haha, I was kinda floored 😅👍
Am I shadowbanned here? Lmfao, my posts aren't showing up on the site
All I wanted was for the mod to cite the “dooming”. Didn’t happen, I stated past tense facts with passion and I become a “doomer with plenty of warning”, which was none, I was banned next day without any interaction from the “mods”. Suggestion: before you throw down the ban hammer, why don’t you look at the history of the anon in question..... then take a fresh look at the comments. Don’t get caught up in the same emotional, circle jerk, echo chamber bubble the cancel culture does.