Although there are many other legitimate things to worry about, those things are meant to divide our attention and thin out their enemies (All of us).
Mask mandates are important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.
Vaccine bullshit is important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.
Our border, corruption, BLM, Antifa, the “insurrection”, ALL OF IT is important, but you are fighting a fucking useless battle if our elections are rigged!!!!!!
I get it, but we have to win the WAR, not every battle. If we get our elections back we win.
If we get our elections back, we will win it ALL.
YOU stay focused on the audits, there are plenty of us to spread our attention. You single-focus fags get so annoying.
Even better said. I can multitask...
Yup. Every time a bitch says this shit, I hate them even more.
There is nothing from the audits right now. Stop trying to distract from everything else with something that we won't get real information on until "eVeNtuAlLy"
Haha. It is easy to spot the trolls.
I live in CA so I am surrounded by people with your weakened mindset. Opposing views should not make you shit yourself in anger. It's not a normal trait.
Oh shut the fuck up you whore.
You're the one trying to dictate discussion, it's not simply an opposing view; you are lording over us like a pathetic leftist trying to control the narrative.
There is nothing from the audits to focus on; stop being low grade trash.
Ahaha. You be must limp if you feel the urge to bolster yourself online. Pass.
You truly sound like the liberals I argue with everyday online.
If an opposing opinion boils into anger it means you have no thoughtful response.
Let's discuss why it is you think I am wrong. Perhaps change my view.
Audits are important no doubt as it solves many other issues!
Since the Cyber Symposium I've notices a huge uptick on posts with little to no info about anything. Just posts that look good on the surface about masks, vax, BLM, etc.. I think shills are trying to bury all audit related posts until we get lost in off topic discussions. I have been looking at "'rising" and trying push up audit related topics and push down topics of little importance. If you could help, that would be awesome pede!!
I don't mind other discussion posts like "covid" and mask/vax issues. But yes I prefer to upvote threads focused specifically on the audits.
How does one stay focused on the audits when: Their child is taken away because they refused to have them vaccinated? When their homes are broken into because of illegal terrorists coming over the border? When their kids cried because they were bullied for being white thanks to CRT?
Fuck off with this one trick pony crap.
Well said. It gets old. I can do 5 things at once.
The reality is we are in a battle. Divide and conquer is a term we all know. It is a well known term because it is true.
Our elections are the only weapon we have. We have lost the narrative, we do not control the legislature, both parties are against us.
I am simply saying, if we lose the ability to put in place people who represent our views, than the things you are complaining about will never change.
I offer a potential solution, you offer a moan. What is your solution?
I couldn't agree with you more that the audits and election integrity is the number 1 issue.... by far !! But I can still multitask in my fighting ability. As far as what you are saying right now. Yes. Nothing else matters If our vote doesn't count. The fight will be over and we will have to run for the hills in fear of the gastapo and the gas chambers. But... as I watch the audit and ... wait.... ima fight everywhere. Because it's what I do !
I get it, but I doubt all of those things happened to you personally. All I am saying is none of it matters if we lose the war. If we lose the ability to pick people who represent OUR beliefs, we have nothing. We lose it all.
Telling me to fuck off sounds like a very "liberal" response to an opposing view. I argue with them for entertainment quite a bit.
Most of us as "what can I do?" I am simply offering my opinion. If that hurts your feelings, well then, you are soft.
Many audits were happening with dominion machines handed over to the audit teams willingly while all eyes were on Maricopa.
Typical Geotus strategy he would distract the press with how many scoops of ice cream while working like mad behind the scenes
I have been upvoting all of the Audit related posted and downvoting all of the non Audit related posts in hopes to make the Audit discussions more visible. Please help.
Good post op. Its all a moot point if the elections are stolen. Get this to the top
And if we all lose our jobs and freedoms due to jab mandates in the next couple months how will we fund audits and correct the issues before the next election?
I don't have an answer for you. I'm lucky to live in a state where they are fighting mandates.
What does the next election matter if it is fraudulent?
Our battle is one of information. You risk your jobs, while our military risks their lives and limbs..
If you can not risk your job, you are not in the battle. Can you counter argue my point? Honestly... I believe most of us are on here to have thoughtful discussion as opposed to battling bots on facebook.
Lets have a thoughtful discussion.. We are on the same side.
Thanks l3tsgetit. I think we have a ton of shills here trying to bury Audit related posts by inundating us with useless posts about important topics. Like "I hate masks" but with no informative substance. If you can help me to push up Audit related posts and push down non substantive posts that would be great. Really appreciate anything you can do
Yea its too bad its not the wild west 10-15 years ago when we didn't have to worry about bots and brigading as much.