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It takes a truly disgraceful person to make crooked hillary look charismatic and likeable by contrast. Here is one such.
The brief part of the movie where she takes over will be remembered as one of the greatest black comedies of all time.
Dr. Carson tried, but I doubt he would've weathered the Deep State like Mr Trump.
This made me laugh so hard. This really feels like we are all watching a movie.
There's a difference!?!
I'm just saying, I've never seen them in the same room before...
Hillary was arrogant but shrewd. You know she didn’t suck dick to get to the top.
No she had people Arkancided to get there. That bitch was so corrupt right from the beginning that the corrupt Nixon impeachment team fired her ass.
Oh she sacrificed on the altar of Moloch, no doubt. But Kamala is literally too dumb to play the game at the level she’s at. Hillary was arrogant but ruthless and understood the game well. She just had the charisma of a brick so she couldn’t get as far as she’d like. Kamala had all the worst attributes of Hillary but none of the ones that would have helped her.