Careful, leading people to the water can excite the parasites, causing inside the host: brain fog, confusion, cognitive dissonance-induced emotional and physical rage and violent reactions, etc.
Credentialism is why otherwise normal people are now wearing 2 masks when none work, are having boosters after their fully vaccinated status was 3 months ago, BLM doesn't spread CV19 but anything else does.
And people still don't believe...
You can lead em to the water...after that???
Careful, leading people to the water can excite the parasites, causing inside the host: brain fog, confusion, cognitive dissonance-induced emotional and physical rage and violent reactions, etc.
Some will be forever asleep...
Awaiting vaxx-induced RAGE...
Give them Ivermectin
Source source source.
Credentialism is why otherwise normal people are now wearing 2 masks when none work, are having boosters after their fully vaccinated status was 3 months ago, BLM doesn't spread CV19 but anything else does.
Source source source.
The document itself contains links to it's sources.