You know I've had the thought planted in my head for a few days now that it might be time to finally read it! Having bowed out of industry myself because of stupid mask laws.
For those interested and yet ready to bury their heads in this book, and I would say, it is a must read, watch the 3 installments of the movie: Atlas Shrugged.
You know I've had the thought planted in my head for a few days now that it might be time to finally read it! Having bowed out of industry myself because of stupid mask laws.
Absolutely! Her description of the fall of America is happening real time right before our eyes for the very reasons she foresaw in the 1950's.
If you haven't read it, it's a heavy read. I only got thru it by skipping all the John Galt's speeches. I always liked the Fountainhead better.
Moby Dick, great, skip the chapter on whales.
Who is John Galt? My gut says Trump but maybe based pillow merchant more appropriate.
For those interested and yet ready to bury their heads in this book, and I would say, it is a must read, watch the 3 installments of the movie: Atlas Shrugged.
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Yep. I've been saying that for a while. Trump is John Galt. He's got them so cornered its crazy! Talk about fucked, damn!
Is Matt Gaetz the Francisco d’arconia?