He stated I’m not gonna say which- but then went on to say look what they did to J&J about it’s safety. He said he could see dollar signs in the Pfizer guys eyes. I’ll try to find a link but he’s still on right now.
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"Hold your fire till you see the dollar signs in their eyes."
Yeh, I think he's a fan of the J&J vax. I remember his outrage when it was temporarily pulled from the market. Interesting how the FDA will pull J&J over a few complications but keep Pfizer and Moderna after thousands of deaths.
Yup I said that. It is why they slammed J&J they did not want people to take this one so I knew there was a reason. Trump got the vaccination and he got the J&J.
The way the media and lawyers went on the attack against J&J it is likely the only safe one. From what I can gather it is the only non-mRNA in the bunch too so that makes sense.
It also makes sense why he rushed it out. If there had been only one they would have been killing everyone with the other three mRNA vaccines.
Trump is having to walk a tight rope here to try to keep the economy from crashing, and people from dying. He can't let them not have a working vaccine or they shut down the whole economy. He can try to push people toward the one that will not harm them, but he can't come right out and say the other three are killing people yet. What he really should do once more is promote HCQ and now Ivermectin as the cures and preventions.
Yeah, but it's based on mRNA which the j&j is not.
J&J still uses DNA technology to make your cells to produce spike proteins. According to Robert Malone, it differs in its delivery mechanism.
Protection from a cold w a 99.5% survival rate. A can of lysol can do that w/o taking experimental gene therapy clot shot.