They’re gonna call this guy an angry Trump supporter?
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All $1 bills. Get ready for the Q or trump spin cycle on this one. Distractions.
Might as well toss them around...they're not worth the paper they're printed on.
inb4 "QAnon told me to blow up a library"
Quick! Someone see if they can find this guy's face in the Jan. 6th photos. I bet he's in there somewhere.
Looks to me like one of the three-letters is playing "QAnon" today.
Yo! thats like 50 bucks she just left there on the ground........
" he's got a QANON trumpstamp tattoo!"
Probably, they blame everything on trump supporters.
What's with all the money on the ground? Did he just rob a bank lol? He also seems to be recording maybe with his phone?
Where are the strippers?
Did Pelosi hire a crisis actor?
So this is weird. Definitely smells funny. As well looking at the bills on the ground is it just me or are all of them the "all seeing eye" pyramid side up except for 17 of them or is it just me?
As well it seem to be all $1 bills.
Not sure what to make of it.
Nice, a photo op and all! just the right angle. Oh, not confirmed..
C’mon people, it’s Biden’s Jobs Program - now hiring FBI “informants.”
You can see the Supreme Court in the reflection. Hmm my Qtard side intensifies.
The guys name is roseBERRY. Ok this is total comms and I think its good news.
I would say CIA spook but they would never try to start anything, they're all such good people.
This guys got beef with a stripper librarian
Did he blow up a stripper?
How dare you throw that stimulus money on the ground
Are people throwing money at him?
suicide by cop most likely
Hey is that Dr. Phil?
FBI intern faggot alert.
Unpopular opinion but you might be right. I know people who see the country going to hell but have no Q induced hopium.