Haha. I have a feeling some of the good guys put them up to it. I find it hard to believe they care that much about the embassy. That's ok though. I fully support using the Leftists' tactics against them, at least the more peaceful ones.
Once the Marxists realized they couldn't subvert American society through economic means, they resorted to cultural means and that's why we are where we are.
"Cultural imperialism." We need to use that phrase more often.
Turn their weapons back on them.
(((White supremacy)))
It's a CRT buzz phrase. So is colonialism. Which the Jamaicans accuse us of, too. Among other nations.
The mask too! That shit is a cultural virus.
Subjugating, dehumanising and dangerous.
I'd be nice if they said something like: "It's a perversion of God's promise to never flood Earth again"
They say this as they mask themselves outside.
Haha. I have a feeling some of the good guys put them up to it. I find it hard to believe they care that much about the embassy. That's ok though. I fully support using the Leftists' tactics against them, at least the more peaceful ones.
Once the Marxists realized they couldn't subvert American society through economic means, they resorted to cultural means and that's why we are where we are.
The assholes that want to 'decolonize' everything out there colonizing. Typical.
How to hoist someone on their own petard!
Jamaica no like batty bwoy
Boom bye bye..
LGBTQ are not US values.
Great! If only more people would stand up to this. Thanks for posting.
Well, those flags will become nonexistent in Afghanistan now.