posted ago by TheRealBuddyB ago by TheRealBuddyB +80 / -1

Old feller was full of interesting insights into the middle east and our activities there, going so far as to begrudgingly admit that our intentions there were less than noble.

So anyways, at one point he says he got a call just a few weeks ago asking if he can go "back to work in the middle east, this time in Afghanistan" and he told them no, he'd done his duty and he was way past his prime.

So my wife, curious, asked "What branch of the military did you serve under?"


"Oh, but did you work for the Federal Government? Or were you a contractor or something?"

Old guy sighs and says, "You know, I don't even know if it matters anymore, but 40 years ago I was told to never say where I worked, and I might as well keep that promise."

At this point, my wife (this is a woman who wears 'sheep no more' shirts out on the town, btw) is extremely curious because now she knows she is talking to some sort of retired spook...

The conversation continues, and at one point the fellow says that he knows "what is really going on in Afghanistan."

So she asks: "Ok, then... I just wanna know: is it a white hat operation or a black hat operation?"

At this question, my wife literally said the old guy's face cracked open to a big smile and his eyes twinkled. "I know it doesn't look like it, but it's white hats... That is definitely white hats."

...and that's all she got out of him.

Just a dose of hopium story time for the boards, Patriots. Hold the Line!