There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. - Soren Kierkegaard
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

Basically, do the opposite of what new York times says.
And youll be right
So don't buy a single thing advertised in The NYT and actively boycott buisness who does advertise in The NYT
The truth will set you free.
The truth will also get you labeled a schizo, ostracised, and fired from your job.
and yet we are still here. Trust in the Lord. Shine his light to the world. Be a bastion of reason, logic, and faith.
People labeling you and ostracizing you says more about them than anything else.
Making compromises and keeping things to yourself around the workplace can sadly be necessary for job security, unless you are fortunate enough to be able to work for yourself.
Waiting for GME to moon soon.
And thus... set you free. We are overly enmeshed in a web of lies.
"Freedom's just another word for, nothing left to lose."
Janis Joplin
So, my interpretation is, critical thinking is what we tell you to think. Fuck NYT to hell and back.
Now go take your booster, sheep.
It isn’t helping because the MSM is labeling the truth as misinformation.
Article source: https://archive.is/ABcfj
Love how it mentions Stormfront- a site I wouldn’t know existed if it weren’t for the Left talking about it all the time.
NYT: Yes we can do critical thinking… but you peasants aren’t allowed to do that!
What is funny is the Matrix trilogy explains this. Morpheus says to take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. This headline is literally telling you to take the blue pill.
Soren is based man his books are dope. He talks about how loneliness is a modern concept and ancient people didnt care about that becsuse they had God
It's easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them they've been lied to.
Don't think about it... just do what you're told.
Who is still taught critical thinking?
The problem is, nobody has been taught how to do critical thinking for a long, long time.
They're essentially telling you to stop thinking for yourself.
So funny. They just outed themselves. In other words, "don't look at any information that may change your mind".
It is a challenge. Mind Fuckery creates two paths to victory for the Cabal.
The sentence "Critical thinking, as we're taught to do it, isn't helping in the fight against misinformation." is probably the only true thing in that article.