A new bill has just been passed in Australia called Identify and Disrupt Bill
Essentially, this bill allows is, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) can log into your Email, your Facebook, Instagram any other social media, and not only view it but actually alter it however they want. They can send emails on your behalf, they can post things on your behalf, they can engage in criminal activity on your behalf in order to reach their objective. And if they want to throw you under the bus, you’re just collateral damage.
There is a petition to repeal this bill
Please pass the word to any Aussies you know to sign this petition and get the word out.
There are no forced performances in common law.
So, demand to see their authorization to deprive you of rights ( do not say civil or citizen or human rights).
Their so called ID card carries their signature. Since it does not state any: fact, it is a fraudulent piece, that carries a heavy penalty.
Where is your authorization to deprive me of rights? They have none. And even if one would carry a letter signed by a mayor or a secretary
Who did authorize them to deprive me of rights? Where and when did you knowingly (here is that KNOWINGLY again) and out of your own free volition contract to submit to such events? Where is the paper with your wet signature?
There is nothing. So, " UCC-1-207 without prejudice" applies. Meaning, they are now liable personally under common law for their performance and damages inflicted.
Hand them a contract (names of the contracting parties) with a prices:
harassment: 10 silver troy-ounces
Fines: 15 silver troy ounces
arrest: 10 gold troy ounces
Bodily harm, etc, etc.
for each individual case. Contract handling fee: 2 silver troy-ounces. Payment within 72 hours at your office.
Declaration of free and voluntary agreement either by signature or initiation to complete one of the above listed performances. UCC-1-207 without prejudice Criminal charges reserved. Signature.
Why no fiat? Because that is currency and lands you inside their admiralty law. Hence, land based money.
Then go after their assets and totally strip them. Lien their income, their house, their car, their bank-accounts of both the perpetrator as well as their wives, if they are married under civil regime instead of economical.
You wanne inflict pain? This is pain.
So, make sure to check this out and become with the knowledge.
I'm not trying to say this approach isn't viable but I just don't see that they would even recognise what you are saying, am I missing something?
Yes, they are obliged to answer, and cannot lie. Tape every interaction, better yet, film it. Look into the law for support in your jurisdiction.
It works under common law as well as civil law jurisdictions. The sanctions on civil servants may vary. However, more serious charges can be brought: membership of a criminal organization should it turn out more people are involved. Or even: terrorism, as they seek to scare the public to obtain a political goal.
On 28-10-2020 one of our Dutch hero's employed this tactic and the case has been such a mess for the judiciary, they dare not even publish the outcome. Usually within 2 weeks rulings are published. As of yesterday, no ruling in this case has been published.
A couple of weeks ago, another such case and was thrown out of court. My friends stood outside within 5 minutes.
Many more are using and going to use this system.
It puts these blackmailers in total disarray. They cannot lie, for if they do, they are deeply fucked sideways. And silence also is not an option because as public servants they are obliged to impart all information truthfully to make sure the claimant has the correct information to not lose his claim.
Many of them simply singed their employment papers, took an oath and received their ID, their uniform and hop they are on the streets on team harassment. Neither of these is authorization to impede rights.
Of course, they will try to refuse the contract you are offering because they know they cannot enter into such contracts as public servants to which they have no authorization, but they can as private citizens under common or civil law.
However, their performance in initiating any of the events described in the contract suffices to support the free volition of entering. This also goes for those commanding these poor wretches to harass people, the mayor, the governor, anyone in the chain of command. What they have are internal memorandums.
So, they knowingly and of free volition agreed to the terms of contract.
Not paying while making you perform the suffering of these events is breach of contract which ups the ante due to collection costs and equity damages.
However, this is a fight. So play it cool and understand what you are doing. And these robbers may simply choose to violate the law later by trying to maintain you failed to pay a fine. It's bogus, yet you have to respond.
In a way this is better than a shooting war. But know you are then in the thick of destroying the banking system.
The DS has many options to frustrate:
One officer may be leaving the issue and you alone, while another may be cooking the books afterwards. Then a fine falls on your doormat, or even a visit of the 4 AM morning raid team with violence because you failed to ID yourself.
Fine -> resist -> reject further action
Fine -> resist -> unfavorable admin ruling -> Prosecutor -> reject
Fine -> resit -> unfavorable admin ruling -> Prosecutor -> court -> reject.
The same goes for court: question the "judge", who are you, and what is your business here? It happens quite often, a judge is not even a judge but a civil servant posing as a judge lacking authorization.
If they have authorization, who authorized the judge? Where is the authorization? (betting they have none) Who authorized the authorizer to authorize? What kind of a court is this? Is it a corporation (maybe registered in Delaware?). What system of law is being decided here?
If they say: common law -> Does common law have mandatory performances without contract? What needs to be done before a contract is valid?
However, if you are willing to go full throttle, this may be tried first.
There is another thing: look into the law and see if there is a provision about medical doctors declaring something pertaining to the presence or absence of any disease, or something. A false statement is punishable by? So, if they are still using the disgraced PCR based on the Corman-Drosten paper, this is refuted based on 10 fatal flaws. More info here: https://cormandrostenreview.com/report/ and https://principia-scientific.com/christian-drosten-the-fraud-behind-covid-19-pcr-testing/
The proof that this is all fake is quite clear. However, forced quarantines and stuff are usually accompanied by a declaration of a doctor. If not a doctor, there should not be made a health determination. If not medical it is political, and hence fit to be drawn into common law or civil law.
Fullcolon, is that you?
Is that all? How disappointing.
But bubble_bursts, what have you done so far to effectively put a halt to these transgressions?
I did not say that in a derogatory way at all. I have watched a lot of videos about maritime law and quantum syntax. I also started learning the quantum syntax, but the examples they provided are very limited. I completely agree that handling these under maritime law / quantum syntax is definitely worth it.
My comment was a simple way to say I know where you are coming from. I would like to know, have you or anyone you directly know, ever used these methods successfully? Were there any extra hoops they were put through? I fear that there are other loop holes under this system, that they might use and we cannot protect against because we simply dont understand the maritime law as well.
Can you point to any other authentic resources to fully understand common law and maritime admiralty?
Ah, I indeed misunderstood you. Thank you for your clarification. Do you have an LLC?
When it concerns (m)admiralty law, please visit:
You can download 5 books for every IP address, hence, I would recommend to use a VPN.
The first book you'll see is the Chicago book of style. From there you search for Admiralty: and a lot of books will show.
A beneficial thing to do would be to talk to a spedition expert to lay down the current mechanics of the trade. It will make you familiar with all the aspects of moving a piece of cargo from one port to another, how this intersects with several types of admiralty law, Agreement of Rome I, and the potential application of local jurisdiction law.
If you feel like it, I would also take a bit of time to consider the history of the development of the body of law, and how it was posited to overtake common law in the US.
On zlib there is this book: See on archive the book: US money vs Corporate currency.
Certain manuals are divided in volumes with different names. Like Bills of Lading, etc.
A very practical approach on the intersection of common law and admiralty law is https://de1lib.org/book/5761292/b66aad Follow the name in there and you'll get some amazing videos on youtube and how to act and what to say in confronting overreaching and criminal government agencies.
At any rate, all these issues can be practically employed, whether one would have an LLC or not. The advantage of an LLC is, that it creates a foreign corporate structure for business. Meaning: "UCC-1-207 without prejuidice" applies, meaning, you do not consent to enter in to contracts which are implied instead of with the full knowledge and with the free-volition (without coercion), which coincidentally also happens to be the basis for the Nuremberg Code, health decisions, etc.