Looks like the password for the vault has been generated. From the https://www.britbonglogpost.com/ if you click the vault access you get taken to a cryptpad document.
It asks for a password. You enter the 3 passcodes on the britbonglogpost page, concatenated together. So the password is: * 4FNpjM *#si8qUHwiv5BbDuL
(Remove the spaces before and after the *)
You will see 5 folders. Lets figure out how to open them!
Actually, yes - most LE are the good guys and we should trust them to do the right thing. Stories out literally every day about LE busting pedos - FBI supervisor story just broke yesterday - so, download if you must prove it to yourself - that's your choice.
Lmfao. This guy trusts the FBI too.
When the obvious shill is obvious lulz
So, when you see posted stories about pedophiles rings being busted day after day after day and stories recently about FBI agents being busted for child porn/sexual assault/rape (3 recently that I can recall). Do you recall any of those headlines? Who was busting those pervs? If you have the need to look at child porn, have at it.
You're an idiot....le hates you and wants you dead. Cops are NOT your friend.
Unless it's deep blue, you can still trust your county Sheriff. They are also the only Constitutional LE authority.