Ah, sweet! A scientific reason to get fucked up on the Green Fairy.
Double bonus... check the contents of the absinthe. In addition to wormwood, there are a number of other herbs used. Parnasse, for instance, also has star anise- which contains Suramin and tastes a lot better than pine needle tea.
Can't say the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but the original ban in 1912 had more to do with using copper sulfate as a coloring agent to make crappy alcohol look like the real thing.
Ahhh yes, good info. Now that you mention it, I recall that from the Master Distiller episode about absinthe. Then one of the moonshiner guys said “It’s usually not good business practice to kill your customers”
It is an anti parasitic. For some reason anti parasitic, and anti oxidants seem to really destroy covid, and also vax side effects. Nac, and ivermetcin come to mind.
Yeah, anti parasitic treatment often has multiple uses such as anti viral. And animals and humans often have similar medicine just in different doses. That's why those people saying "trust the science" like it's a religion tend to say anti scientific things like "horse paste is for horses and isn't even for viruses it's for parasites" with complete disingenuousness because they're shilling for vaccines. They use chemo and anti inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and those medicines can also treat covid from what i seen.
Reminds me there's a soft drink maker Fentimans that ferments their cola, ginger beer etc the traditional way apparently. No added carbonation. I like their curiosity cola even though it kinda reminds me of the old RC Cola. But they make a burdock beverage from a middle ages old recipe.
Be very careful with all of these homebrew remedies, particularly if pregnant- some of them (like pine needle tea) cause spontaneous abortions. Wormwood has been used for centuries to stop pregnancy.
Ernest Hemingway wrote a poem about a man trying to coerce his girlfriend to have an abortion using absinthe, a psychoactive teratogenic alcohol made from wormwood.
I drink a lot of absenth on weekends. I must have been tripping out this whole time. lol! "psychoactive"
However, definetly don't take herb cocktails while preggers. Thats when, stay at home & social distancing actually does some good. Vulnerable people in general need to avoid being sick from anything.
Yes and I think it was mentioned as a bitter herb in Jeremiah 23:15
*Revelation. Singular. But yes, a star named Wormwood falls from the sky and turns a third of the waters bitter, killing many people.
Ah, sweet! A scientific reason to get fucked up on the Green Fairy.
Double bonus... check the contents of the absinthe. In addition to wormwood, there are a number of other herbs used. Parnasse, for instance, also has star anise- which contains Suramin and tastes a lot better than pine needle tea.
Makes you wonder if that’s partially why they faked news’d it as being hallucinogenic for so long.
Can't say the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but the original ban in 1912 had more to do with using copper sulfate as a coloring agent to make crappy alcohol look like the real thing.
Ahhh yes, good info. Now that you mention it, I recall that from the Master Distiller episode about absinthe. Then one of the moonshiner guys said “It’s usually not good business practice to kill your customers”
Someone should tell that to the vax companies lol
Might as well have a good time taking the medicine, good thing alcohol itself can be medicinal.
It is an anti parasitic. For some reason anti parasitic, and anti oxidants seem to really destroy covid, and also vax side effects. Nac, and ivermetcin come to mind.
Yeah, anti parasitic treatment often has multiple uses such as anti viral. And animals and humans often have similar medicine just in different doses. That's why those people saying "trust the science" like it's a religion tend to say anti scientific things like "horse paste is for horses and isn't even for viruses it's for parasites" with complete disingenuousness because they're shilling for vaccines. They use chemo and anti inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and those medicines can also treat covid from what i seen.
Artemesia vulgaris is VERY common and grows in rough areas like weeds. It is tenacious and has many beneficial properties and its use dates back to rome. Roman soldiers would put it in their sandals to alleviate foot pain on long marches. It is a stimulant and just the smell of it will give vivid dreams. It can be smoked (used to be called sailors tobacco, I have done this, it is quite pleasant and gives a very mild high) Made into a tea before bed will also cause vivid dreams. It shouldn't be used by pregnant women though. https://www.verywellhealth.com/mugwort-benefits-side-effects-dosage-and-interactions-4767226#:~:text=Mugwort%20(Artemisia%20vulgaris%20L.),of%20up%20to%206%20feet.&text=This%20was%20done%20to%20relieve%20aching%20feet.
Great information!
After recently reading up on parasites I ordered and am taking this:
Not a bad price
I hear it's quite bitter, I was going to look for some for home remedy.
Just have some absenth! When drunk traditionally, it's not bad at all. Just get a slotted spoon and sugar cubes, fren.
Wormwood is yet another…..anti parasitic!
Gee why do all these anti parasitic work so well against a “virus”???
I believe viruses are just micro parasites and multi celled parasites came after them like other multi celled organisms.
Might add some burdock root...
Not a bad idea since it slows blood clotting it may reduce blood clots from the jab as well.
Burdock has antibacterial activity against:
Bacillus cereus R
Bacillus subtilis R
Escherichia coli R
H Pylori R
Klebsiella pneumoniae R
Lactobacillus acidophilus R
Micrococcus luteus R
Pseudomonas aeruginosa R
Salmonella abony R
Schistosoma haematobium R
Serratia marcescens R
Staphylococcus aureus R
Staphylococcus epidermidis R
Staphylococcus mutans R
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis R
Burdock has anti-fungal activity against:
Aspergillus niger R
Candida albicans R
Candida tropicalis R
Penicillium hirsutum R
Burdock has antiviral activity against:
Adenovirus (ADV-3, ADV-11) R
Herpes Virus (HSV-1, HSV-2) R R
H1N1 R
Burdock has anti-parasitic activity against:
Schistosoma mansoni R
Reminds me there's a soft drink maker Fentimans that ferments their cola, ginger beer etc the traditional way apparently. No added carbonation. I like their curiosity cola even though it kinda reminds me of the old RC Cola. But they make a burdock beverage from a middle ages old recipe.
Hey thanks for that info. I will have to check them out. Burdock is one of the better tasting roots...
Even better! Slowing blood clotting is definitely also a bonus. Maybe an herbal cocktail tea of burdock wormwood and a few other things.
Be very careful with all of these homebrew remedies, particularly if pregnant- some of them (like pine needle tea) cause spontaneous abortions. Wormwood has been used for centuries to stop pregnancy.
Ernest Hemingway wrote a poem about a man trying to coerce his girlfriend to have an abortion using absinthe, a psychoactive teratogenic alcohol made from wormwood.
I drink a lot of absenth on weekends. I must have been tripping out this whole time. lol! "psychoactive"
However, definetly don't take herb cocktails while preggers. Thats when, stay at home & social distancing actually does some good. Vulnerable people in general need to avoid being sick from anything.