Ivermectin and HCQ may be even more significant to mass population awakening than we realize. If their effectiveness is eventually universally accepted as treatment by the medical industry, it means that the EUA used to create the vax was used unnecessarily and may cause the public to finally ask why info about them has been attacked and suppressed.
Think of all the people who could have been saved using these meds. Not just from covid, but from other diseases and cancers. People who lost loved ones because of corporate pharma greed.
These meds dont actually save anyone though Trump was just pushing alternatives to avoid lockdowns. Covid doesnt exist and viruses are made by the body itself so when you get a flu its actually good, medical experts are taught to give you antibiotics which are so toxic ur body stop the detox and the symptoms and somehow now ur better off because you put ur detox of toxins on hold. Lets say you have a flu thats actually positive but according to medicine ur a criminal now so I can see how people think taking big pharma drugs is actually curing them but in reality its actually making people worse off even if in the short term their fever or flu is canceled since the body is now overwhelmed with actual poison it now has to hurry up and stop before it hurts the important parts of the body.
Toxoplasmodium is a great example. A mouse will ingest the parasite and find itself irresistibly attracted to cat wee. Cat pounces. Humans whose cats have the parasite find themselves irresistibly drawn to serving their cats. Cats rule.
Yup! If humans also get parasitic infections (which we most likely do), and ivermectin gets rid of parasites, most people would probably notice an improvement in mood and behavior. What if parasitic and fungal infections were the real cause of most mental illness. Maybe the cause of cancer, arthritis and a bunch of other ones that Pharma make trillions on.
Big Pharma KNOWS. Why don’t humans ever get anti-parasitics like other mammals? How many hypochondriacs are infected, creating their urges to go to the Dr more than normal? An Italian Dr was threatened to lose his medical license when he was curing cancer patients claiming fungal infections gave them their cancers. He was treating with a pH (alkaline body) treatment protocol...had great results. Fenbendazole recently was recognized as an anti-cancer drug and Merck knew it since ‘80’s with 100% lab animals cured of cancers. Cancer survivor...I could go on & on.
Yup. I've been thinking about making a post on this topic but haven't gotten around to it. Parasites have infected most of the population and do cause myriad problems which all can be resolved through anti parasitic treatments.
After reading this pdf weeks ago, i realized the rabbit hole is much much deeper than expected. I've been at this conspiracy truth game for over 20 years. My jaw hasnt dropped in nearly 5 years. This is a big one frens.
Talked about Free Guy just a few minutes ago. See in this thread.
TSS wasn't woke, but it had a ton of other good stuff.
All-seeing eye controlling everything. Spear (such as the spear of destiny) being used to stab the eye of the big star creature. Stars on the faces of those under control of the big star creature with the all-seeing eye. (think movie stars)
Yeah I get the zombie symbolism but not sure what spear of destiny is about.
Also i dont see what was Woke about it. I thought it was refreshingly politically neutral, even despite being made by the pedo cabalian James Gunn (the guy who hosts actual pedo parties where he dresses up as a baby to have orgies etc)
How are the people who are NOT running to the doctor for a case of the sniffles clogging up the health system? Meanwhile people with adverse reactions to the jabs just can't seem to stay out of the ERs.
Strange, this sounds like Twitter speaking. Are you pushing their narrative for a reason? I literally saw this sentence posted on Twitter with the same tone and references. What date are you talking about?
You are the reason you are wearing masks. Don't blame your cuckolding on others. Your words are hollow and your mission here has failed. Go away troll.
Neither the power nor the desire to ban anyone. You are spouting mindless drivel right now- is that not free speech? Though if that is how you choose to express that freedom, you are likely a simpleton. Toodle pip.
Yeah, they probably are all liars. Get over yourself and go back to whatever forum you came from. You can live in an echo chamber there, free of charge. And thought.
Ivermectin and HCQ may be even more significant to mass population awakening than we realize. If their effectiveness is eventually universally accepted as treatment by the medical industry, it means that the EUA used to create the vax was used unnecessarily and may cause the public to finally ask why info about them has been attacked and suppressed.
Think of all the people who could have been saved using these meds. Not just from covid, but from other diseases and cancers. People who lost loved ones because of corporate pharma greed.
They wont be able to walk down the street.
These meds dont actually save anyone though Trump was just pushing alternatives to avoid lockdowns. Covid doesnt exist and viruses are made by the body itself so when you get a flu its actually good, medical experts are taught to give you antibiotics which are so toxic ur body stop the detox and the symptoms and somehow now ur better off because you put ur detox of toxins on hold. Lets say you have a flu thats actually positive but according to medicine ur a criminal now so I can see how people think taking big pharma drugs is actually curing them but in reality its actually making people worse off even if in the short term their fever or flu is canceled since the body is now overwhelmed with actual poison it now has to hurry up and stop before it hurts the important parts of the body.
You are right but this is too woo inspiring unless you have looked into it deeply and seen the changes in personality and health.
Because having parasitic infections makes one more docile to conditioning.
Toxoplasmodium is a great example. A mouse will ingest the parasite and find itself irresistibly attracted to cat wee. Cat pounces. Humans whose cats have the parasite find themselves irresistibly drawn to serving their cats. Cats rule.
Yup! If humans also get parasitic infections (which we most likely do), and ivermectin gets rid of parasites, most people would probably notice an improvement in mood and behavior. What if parasitic and fungal infections were the real cause of most mental illness. Maybe the cause of cancer, arthritis and a bunch of other ones that Pharma make trillions on.
Big Pharma KNOWS. Why don’t humans ever get anti-parasitics like other mammals? How many hypochondriacs are infected, creating their urges to go to the Dr more than normal? An Italian Dr was threatened to lose his medical license when he was curing cancer patients claiming fungal infections gave them their cancers. He was treating with a pH (alkaline body) treatment protocol...had great results. Fenbendazole recently was recognized as an anti-cancer drug and Merck knew it since ‘80’s with 100% lab animals cured of cancers. Cancer survivor...I could go on & on.
Yup. I've been thinking about making a post on this topic but haven't gotten around to it. Parasites have infected most of the population and do cause myriad problems which all can be resolved through anti parasitic treatments.
So if a mouse gets it, it likes cat piss, but if a cat gets it, the human shows symptoms?
The human has caught it from the cat. Happens with other parasitic relationships- slave and master. Definitely a cat winner.
Totally explains cat ladies who have a dozen cats and are oblivious to how bad their home stinks.
I also recall reading something about the parasite causing schizophrenia as well if acquired at a young age.
Humans get it from cats, and anyone that has animals do get parasites from them.
What are we talking about here? The fact that most disease, including cancers and mental illness, is likely caused by parasites?
Or are we going down the rabbit hole to talk about Vril?
Adding the popular “Parasite Pill” PDF link here for those that may not have seen it yet: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf
After reading that book I started to do a parasite cleans and OMG I never have felt so good in my life.
I am happier, I feel lighter, more energetic (after some die off symptoms) it's been a life changer.
I can't recommend this enough.
The reason they don't want this is because they know that happy people will stand up and fight their Tirrany
What parasite cleanse herbs did you use? I had good results with clarkfx years ago
Renew Life ParaSmart
Thought-provoking info, right?!?
Applying the info in that PDF changed my health for the better.
OMG. I thought I knew a lot on the topic but this is shocking. I have to process. Thank you for the link.
After reading this pdf weeks ago, i realized the rabbit hole is much much deeper than expected. I've been at this conspiracy truth game for over 20 years. My jaw hasnt dropped in nearly 5 years. This is a big one frens.
The symbolism in that movie was insane. Edit: "The Suicide Squad".
Edit: Wokeness and Satanism in "Free Guy" pissed me off.
What did they do to ruin Free Guy this time around?
"white privilege"
"the patriarchy"
Had some centaurs thrown at the end for some good half man/half beast stuff for no apparent reason; even had dialog associated with it.
Probably a couple of others, but that's all I remember.
What symbolism? I didnt think TSS was particularly Woke. I loved it.
Talked about Free Guy just a few minutes ago. See in this thread.
TSS wasn't woke, but it had a ton of other good stuff.
All-seeing eye controlling everything. Spear (such as the spear of destiny) being used to stab the eye of the big star creature. Stars on the faces of those under control of the big star creature with the all-seeing eye. (think movie stars)
Yeah I get the zombie symbolism but not sure what spear of destiny is about.
Also i dont see what was Woke about it. I thought it was refreshingly politically neutral, even despite being made by the pedo cabalian James Gunn (the guy who hosts actual pedo parties where he dresses up as a baby to have orgies etc)
No wokeness in TSS. All symbolism.
Spear was confusing. I typically associate it with Jesus. There is also this passage in the Bible.
John 19:34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
This reminds me of the spear piercing the eyeball in the star creature and Harley Quinn was in the eye floating in blood and water.
Who knows? Perhaps they just threw a bunch of symbolic ideas onto a whiteboard and created a story.
Is this supposed to be anti-ivermectin?
Nah, it's implying the establishment are parasites.
You are not even allowed to CREATE a vaccine for a disease that has a cure.
That's why Fauci blocked Hydroxycholroquine. HCQ and Ivermectin are safe and effective treatments for the Corona virus. With them, nobody needs a jab.
I wonder if ivermectin is effective against Eldrich Abominations as well?
How are the people who are NOT running to the doctor for a case of the sniffles clogging up the health system? Meanwhile people with adverse reactions to the jabs just can't seem to stay out of the ERs.
Strange, this sounds like Twitter speaking. Are you pushing their narrative for a reason? I literally saw this sentence posted on Twitter with the same tone and references. What date are you talking about?
You are the reason you are wearing masks. Don't blame your cuckolding on others. Your words are hollow and your mission here has failed. Go away troll.
Ban him.
You are stating nonsense as facts. No one has a problem with free speech. If you have some kind of facts to back up your opinion let’s see them.
Well you are comparing Ivermectin to tide.pods. wrong analogy
Who said I'm for free speech?
Commies should STFU
Buh Bye
Haa haa. You believe the media. Haaaaa Ha ha.
Neither the power nor the desire to ban anyone. You are spouting mindless drivel right now- is that not free speech? Though if that is how you choose to express that freedom, you are likely a simpleton. Toodle pip.
Yeah, they probably are all liars. Get over yourself and go back to whatever forum you came from. You can live in an echo chamber there, free of charge. And thought.