Just curious - if this were pre-china flu and you may have had just the REGULAR flu - or, just a basic cold - WHY get tested at all????? I just don't get why people are still getting tested!! If testing stopped - the narrative would stop. God Bless!
If I have to have my kids miss school to “quarantine” due to a local case again I’m gonna lose my shit on these idiot parents getting there 1-5 year olds tested. It’s ridiculous.
Sorry to tell you, your wife might not make it. It is a 99.98% recovery rate. Those numbers last year desimated the human population. Best to make peace with her.
First relax Anon bc you will be fine. Fear and anxiety can be worst. Get some fluids and sun if you can. My whole fam took the ivermectin when we got sick last month. Worked great imo.
Lmk if you have any questions. We were all better within 2 days. My lil bro took a week but he is a drunken mess so God knows what he had
And vitamin D. Vitamin D is required to produce the hormone that stops the inflammatory response; if vit D deficient then inflammation will explode into the cytokine storm and bad things happen. Virtually all covid deaths are in vitamin d deficient people. Quite simply, if you have adequate D levels, covid cannot kill you.
I did get exposed to covid. I personally had no symptoms or even became sick. So I can't say personally what to do if she's sick.
I did quarantine for 2 weeks though.
My one friend lost her taste and smell for a couple weeks. She said it was a bit tough to handle but she's completely fine now. She told me she drank A LOT of water....soup. Rested. And took vitamin D as well a zinc and one Tylenol every day. So a lot like taking care of a cold....but extra.
Different people have different results. I wish your wife the best of success! Sending her support from here!😊👍
We’ve all experienced it one way or another. The difference is we didn’t run and get tested like we’re five years old. Haha. Only teasing ! But seriously like most people are saying.. start the Vitamin Q (Quercetin), Zinc, Vit.D and Vit.C. You can take the Quercetin 500mg twice a day while having covid or flu type symptoms. Then when feeling better take Quercetin once a day prophylactically, along with everything else.
Find Quercetin, should be in any health store. And zinc. Zinc is the most important element as it inhibits viral replication, but zinc cannot enter the cell directly, it needs something to carry it across the cell membrane. It needs a zinc ionophore which the zinc can attach to and transport the zinc across the cell membrane.
HCQ, Ivermectin, and Quercetin all function to help zinc cross the cell membrane so the zinc can interrupt the viral replication.
How can u even trust the faulty test?? Maybe u just have regular flu or a severe cold/sinus infection? Esp after traveling can make those worse. I am no help here lol. Just dont see how they can tell people they have coof when the tests are no good. I never had the coof but my brother and his fam supposedly did. Dont think their doc did much and they recovered at home. My bro said he felt beyond horrible for a few days. I would take the vitamins we see discussed here.....D, zinc, maybe even K?? And ivermectin. Hope u get well soon fren!
If she is un vaxed no worries. Flu is your body detoxifying itself. No virus is airborn. And remember no sample of covid exist so 100% the test is wrong. If she is vaxxed thats a whole different story.
Just curious - if this were pre-china flu and you may have had just the REGULAR flu - or, just a basic cold - WHY get tested at all????? I just don't get why people are still getting tested!! If testing stopped - the narrative would stop. God Bless!
I know... I know.... <smacking self on side of head> LOL!!
If I have to have my kids miss school to “quarantine” due to a local case again I’m gonna lose my shit on these idiot parents getting there 1-5 year olds tested. It’s ridiculous.
Sorry to tell you, your wife might not make it. It is a 99.98% recovery rate. Those numbers last year desimated the human population. Best to make peace with her.
Top KEK 😂 may the odds be ever in her favor
First relax Anon bc you will be fine. Fear and anxiety can be worst. Get some fluids and sun if you can. My whole fam took the ivermectin when we got sick last month. Worked great imo. Lmk if you have any questions. We were all better within 2 days. My lil bro took a week but he is a drunken mess so God knows what he had
so you have cold symptoms? There NO test for covid….it’s media driven hoax.
And vitamin D. Vitamin D is required to produce the hormone that stops the inflammatory response; if vit D deficient then inflammation will explode into the cytokine storm and bad things happen. Virtually all covid deaths are in vitamin d deficient people. Quite simply, if you have adequate D levels, covid cannot kill you.
I did get exposed to covid. I personally had no symptoms or even became sick. So I can't say personally what to do if she's sick. I did quarantine for 2 weeks though.
My one friend lost her taste and smell for a couple weeks. She said it was a bit tough to handle but she's completely fine now. She told me she drank A LOT of water....soup. Rested. And took vitamin D as well a zinc and one Tylenol every day. So a lot like taking care of a cold....but extra.
Different people have different results. I wish your wife the best of success! Sending her support from here!😊👍
We’ve all experienced it one way or another. The difference is we didn’t run and get tested like we’re five years old. Haha. Only teasing ! But seriously like most people are saying.. start the Vitamin Q (Quercetin), Zinc, Vit.D and Vit.C. You can take the Quercetin 500mg twice a day while having covid or flu type symptoms. Then when feeling better take Quercetin once a day prophylactically, along with everything else.
Find Quercetin, should be in any health store. And zinc. Zinc is the most important element as it inhibits viral replication, but zinc cannot enter the cell directly, it needs something to carry it across the cell membrane. It needs a zinc ionophore which the zinc can attach to and transport the zinc across the cell membrane.
HCQ, Ivermectin, and Quercetin all function to help zinc cross the cell membrane so the zinc can interrupt the viral replication.
Zinc w/copper also helps zinc get into the cells.
How can u even trust the faulty test?? Maybe u just have regular flu or a severe cold/sinus infection? Esp after traveling can make those worse. I am no help here lol. Just dont see how they can tell people they have coof when the tests are no good. I never had the coof but my brother and his fam supposedly did. Dont think their doc did much and they recovered at home. My bro said he felt beyond horrible for a few days. I would take the vitamins we see discussed here.....D, zinc, maybe even K?? And ivermectin. Hope u get well soon fren!
If she is un vaxed no worries. Flu is your body detoxifying itself. No virus is airborn. And remember no sample of covid exist so 100% the test is wrong. If she is vaxxed thats a whole different story.
Lasts about two weeks, lot of dry coughing if resting on your back.
Do the usual for a rough cold or flu. She'll be fine. :)
You really going to Believe that FALSE test?