posted ago by AndrewJaqqson ago by AndrewJaqqson +300 / -0

It's amazing guys. My friends and family didn't believe a single word I said, felt lonely and isolated, but I knew the truth. I stuck with the truth. Went out there, volunteered for the Recall of Gavin Newsom 2020, and from this rabbit hole alone I built a whole new network of friends.

They dont replace my old friends, but when you build "frens" but IRL who are your local based citizens and are brave and fighting for truth, fighting against tyrannical elected officials, fighting against the vaccine passports/mandates, etc... it's very exciting to meet these kind of people.

When you build a new set of based frens, communication about topics like politics and the [DS] enemy is "common fucking sense" and the best part is that you all understand each other, and you're working together actively somewhere to make changes.

I will keep encouraging fellow frens.

Sharing truth on GA.WIN is easy to do, the harder thing to do is the "IRL shit" where you meet actual people, team up in a new network of "based frens," and then you go out, make some noise, and fuck shit up for the [DS]

When you build frens IRL.... overtime it just becomes a network of people.... GO OUT AND GET INVOLVED GUYS!