Robert David Steele passes away due to Covid Complications. This Photo went live the same day he "died" on McAfees Telegram @ 9:11 PM. Thoughts?

No you didn't call me shill. You were saying that 'the shills' say Juan is whatever. I thought it a great opportunity to have a little fun.
For good or bad, we do not have emoji's. My post responding to someone else was poking fun of you and your shills' comment.
Have a great night/morning.
Well good I’m glad I didn’t call you one if it’s not true haha. I’ll call it like I see it, but I usually try to educate and attempt to turn the mind first. And before I shill shame. I don’t like even like to ban a shill unless they just are out of control lame or spiteful. Well cool, I’m glad it’s all good and I didn’t shill shame out of turn. Have a good night too.