Robert David Steele passes away due to Covid Complications. This Photo went live the same day he "died" on McAfees Telegram @ 9:11 PM. Thoughts?

Both are truly gone. Juan discussed them both tonight on David Nino’s YouTube channel. No conspiracy. They’re both deceased. Juan let us all know that the COG is at level 2. One above Level 1, or the highest COG alert. That’s when “Presidential” shit is going down. So we are not to far away.
But on that note, he stated things are going to get really expensive due to Biden’s inflation, and cause a lot of pain and anger in the public. Also the rent moratorium being lifted is going to cause issues. He said we are going to see more military resignations, and resignations else where as this month into October get nasty for Both sides. Unless America can snap out of the brainwash haze and Wake the Fuck Up! People are waking up much faster but they aren’t pissed enough. And this is causing PATRIOTS to begin giving up on The Plan, and almost moving to tap out!
Stay The Course he said! Be patient and try as hard as we all can to wake people up!
They had a short talk about the Jab or vaccine too. He said Covid itself, the bio-weapon is no joke. It causes near a double pneumonia type reaction at its worst. But people need to be strong on natural immunity and/or the other therapeutics. If people take the jab, especially the boosters, then they need to understand their choice. And that it will harm them and shorten their time. This was the 2nd best to the point interview Juan has given. The 1st was also with David months ago when he kinda put Juan on point. It pissed Juan off, but Juan was beautifully real and to the point. He was tonight too, discussing the Jab and David Steele, whom was Juan’s friend. They were on different sides of politics many times but Juan was moved/saddened by the loss. Any way that’s all I have to report.
Who is Juan and should I be listening to him?
You can listen to anyone you wish.
I'm apparently a "shill" according to Brent75, LOL.
I love Juan O'Savin's video productions. They're excellent.
To me, he has proven to be great entertainment, and nothing else.
Do your research and you to decide to take him seriously or not.
When did I call you a shill? I can’t find it in your conversations or mine? But I could have. The only time I call a shill is when someone is talking out their A$$ like one, on a site for Patriots snd Anons. If you’re a person coming on here trying to purposely stir up disbelief in people, when others are here attempting to learn the truth, then yes, that’s a shill thing to do. And yes, I or the other mods may call a person on it. If that person is offended of the possibilities or intel, oh well! The probabilities, info, or intel is kinda what we’re working on to present.
No you didn't call me shill. You were saying that 'the shills' say Juan is whatever. I thought it a great opportunity to have a little fun.
For good or bad, we do not have emoji's. My post responding to someone else was poking fun of you and your shills' comment.
Have a great night/morning.
He and his cronies on "before it's news" all post with each other and circularly confirm each others info. He offers interesting history and insights, but listen discerningly.
Thinks he has inside track on stuff, but not really. He said the election fraud would all be over by April 1st on 2 different videos and has tried to cover up ever since.
Yes, yes you should. He comes on several Patriot YouTube channels. Juan O’Savin, pronounced (One Oh Seven), or 1 oh 7, our 17. Very important person. Shills will tell you he is FOS. But they don’t understand the level of Intel he is at. He is 17 of the White Hats. Or Trump’s 16+1. 16 active and retired high level military officers the + is Trump the last 1 is of course 17 by the math. Juan is the real deal. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. I know right where his office is.