Try not to be get triggered about it and think rationally instead of acting like a tantrum throwing bitch.
Who cares if the anon wasn't right about the element. That Co5Fe2 is a nanoparticle that matches Covfefe that Trump tweeted on purpose is interesting.
You said yourself that you don't know what Co5Fe2 is used for so maybe we should do a little research on it since we still don't know what Trump meant by Covfefe.
Don’t the nanoparticles create a shell around the mRNA to get them into the cell? I thought mRNA gets destroyed in body before they get into the cell, so they utilized the nanotech to protect the protein chain? Anyway, irregardless of Co being cobalt, I’m interested in the Fe IRON. Accounts for the magnetic and conductive properties of the jab IMO.
Take it down a notch soldier. Not everyone speaks the language of chemistry, I’m just trying to call out something that is really silly if you do speak the language.
The Co5Fe2 stuff is fine as is and I acknowledge could mean something, but the anons analysis in the pic is completely wrong, nothing to do with carbon or oxygen and to say something about it “being stable” is fucking stupid. I could have been nicer when I first commented. Just had my first kid, still in the first 3 weeks, sleep has been hard to come by.
good recovery makes sense been there brother. remember you dont have to heat the milk up baby will drink it either way and thats nice in middle of the night. next up later on remember to premake the bottles before bedtime with dry formula keep them on the night stand then add water when you need to use the bottle. another good midnight tip. use expensive pampers at night so you dont have to do a diaper change and cheaper huggies during the day when you can change them more often. other than that enjoy it and good luck!!
Try not to be get triggered about it and think rationally instead of acting like a tantrum throwing bitch.
Who cares if the anon wasn't right about the element. That Co5Fe2 is a nanoparticle that matches Covfefe that Trump tweeted on purpose is interesting.
You said yourself that you don't know what Co5Fe2 is used for so maybe we should do a little research on it since we still don't know what Trump meant by Covfefe.
Don’t the nanoparticles create a shell around the mRNA to get them into the cell? I thought mRNA gets destroyed in body before they get into the cell, so they utilized the nanotech to protect the protein chain? Anyway, irregardless of Co being cobalt, I’m interested in the Fe IRON. Accounts for the magnetic and conductive properties of the jab IMO.
Take it down a notch soldier. Not everyone speaks the language of chemistry, I’m just trying to call out something that is really silly if you do speak the language. The Co5Fe2 stuff is fine as is and I acknowledge could mean something, but the anons analysis in the pic is completely wrong, nothing to do with carbon or oxygen and to say something about it “being stable” is fucking stupid. I could have been nicer when I first commented. Just had my first kid, still in the first 3 weeks, sleep has been hard to come by.
good recovery makes sense been there brother. remember you dont have to heat the milk up baby will drink it either way and thats nice in middle of the night. next up later on remember to premake the bottles before bedtime with dry formula keep them on the night stand then add water when you need to use the bottle. another good midnight tip. use expensive pampers at night so you dont have to do a diaper change and cheaper huggies during the day when you can change them more often. other than that enjoy it and good luck!!
Breast milk only if possible.
yeah we did that for about 8 weeks after that it seems like diminishing returns so formula (its basically whey protien)