"Today on Camp Justice!!!! We'll see Dick Cheney plead his case to the court stating that 911 needed to happen to justify war in the Middle East for our protection."
15 minutes later
"Well that didn't take long, talk about a fast court proceeding, they're already tightening the noose... So Bob, you think he'll kick or just hang?"
Bob: "He'll definitely kick, he always came off as a weak little bitch and a poor excuse of a man."
"LOL there he goes kicking those legs like he can run on air. Sorry, Dick, you're much too fat for that! LOL"
"And that's it for Camp Justice today, folks! Tune in tomorrow to find out why John Podesta leaves maps at his pizza parties. You won't want to miss it!!! Tomorrow, on Camp Justice!"
"Today on Camp Justice!!!! We'll see Dick Cheney plead his case to the court stating that 911 needed to happen to justify war in the Middle East for our protection."
15 minutes later
"Well that didn't take long, talk about a fast court proceeding, they're already tightening the noose... So Bob, you think he'll kick or just hang?"
Bob: "He'll definitely kick, he always came off as a weak little bitch and a poor excuse of a man."
"LOL there he goes kicking those legs like he can run on air. Sorry, Dick, you're much too fat for that! LOL"
"And that's it for Camp Justice today, folks! Tune in tomorrow to find out why John Podesta leaves maps at his pizza parties. You won't want to miss it!!! Tomorrow, on Camp Justice!"
hope they're televised with commentary. the world deserves the truth!
Mystery Science Theater would be so fitting.